
I need to stop the madness!?

by  |  earlier

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everyone in my class needs to become a family that's what my teacher says but i cant stop gossiping about this girl i don't like. what should i do?




  1. Yes, you can stop gossiping - by simply keeping your mouth shut. Sorry. ;)

    What your teacher meant is not that you need to fall in love with every person in your class, you are simply expected to treat each other respectfully and that, I'm afraid, includes NOT gossiping. Now as I said, nobody expects you to love/like that one girl - you cannot like every single person you'll ever meet - but you can make an effort. Treat her with respect, be as friendly as you can without faking it, and stop talking about her behind her back. It's as easy as that.  

  2. I like the way you put that - stop the madness.

    Try putting yourself in this girl's shoes.  How would you feel if the gossip was about you?  Nobody likes to be gossiped about.  In addition to it being disrespectful and insensitive,  it's also mean and hurtful. Gossiping is a form of bullying.   If you can imagine how gossip would affect you, then you might be able to see your way clear to stop talking about the girl.  It's kind of like practicing the golden rule - treat others the way you want to be treated.

    Also sounds as though your teacher is already suspect about discord in the class.  Stop the gossip now before any trouble lands in your lap about it.  If the teacher thinks you are responsible for any tensions or hurt feelings, she might throw some detention your way.  Get yourself above this situation.  

    Enjoy your friends and have fun, but not at the expense of someone else's feelings.  For those people you don't like, just simply give them space.  If you try to be a little more noble in mind and heart, you won't have to worry yourself about unimportant dislikes. Life is too short.

  3. Listen to your Teacher and focus on your studies...because you can't even READ!!!

    This is the language Section.

  4. Just shut your d**n mouth for once. It's not that hard.

    Also, wrong section.

  5. Your teacher wants you all to build a unity and love amongst all of you. Family bond and unity. This will ensure that nobody has a grudge or anger against anyone else.

    It's good to be nice with each other and that's what your teacher wants I guess.

    Hope this helps

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