
I need to talk to God or if not someone in heaven can some one help me?

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please no atheists you just get annoy me

also no one saying i should die because i've tried that




  1. The Bible says Jesus is the only mediator between God and men/women, because he came to die on the cross to pay the price for our sins.  Just talk to God, and conclude "in Jesus Christ's name".  Sin comes in between us and God.  Ask for forgiveness, ask for help to not repeat what you did wrong and ask God to guide your life.

  2. i can help GOD is everywhere /  you have to do speak from your heart; and  you will be heard .. you must believe ...

      the best place would be somewhere you feel safe and comfortable,

    look up and speak

    you might want too ask for an angle to be sent too you for whatever it is you need.

    and yes god will answer, just be careful what you ask for..

    god works in mysteries ways !! good luck and may god bliss you

  3. Hi,

    I am here to talk if you ever need anything. And i think to truly speak to God just pray and always have faith. Don't go and try to kill yourself because you go to pergatory or something like that (im catholic). But email me if you want im always here to help anyone out.

  4. This is the science forum, and the scientific answer for your question is that there is no evidence for the existence of god, heaven, any kind of afterlife, and out of thousands of studies on prayer none have shown any statistically significant effect, so you're wasting your time and you should focus on talking to people who really exist.

    If that is not what you wanted to hear then you should have posted in religion and spirituality.  They enjoy speculating about crazy things in there.

  5. God isn't real.

  6. Don't bother trying to kill yourself, because according to the Bible, suicide is murder... and according to that, you'd go to h**l. But that's what the Bible says. It also says that God lives in the 7th circle of heaven, and that very few people ever get to talk to him in heaven. It also says that only few people will ever get into heaven. A couple thousand it said. If your good, but there isn't room, you get thrown into a river. But if you make the slightest error, then off to h**l. So according to the Bible, God loves everyone, but only has room for a couple thousand. Even if you worshiped God every day, you still don't have a good chance off getting into heaven. So there's going by the Bible. And you do believe in the Bible, right?

    I would imagine that priests and other religious figures would get first dibs on getting into heaven. And billions of religious figures have died. So when Jesus comes, and calls everyone back to heaven, they are probably going to get beamed up first.

    Given these odds, it isn't likely you or I are going to get into heaven. This is why I don't prey at all. In fact, I don't even believe in him. So if in the end, I am wrong, you and I will probably end up in the same place.

  7. keep a diary and talk God through that. You will be surprised! Dont ever give up.  

  8. Most important thing is to have faith.  Bible says anyone who comes to God must believe that he is (ie, he exists), and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.  So seek him diligently.  Pray regularly, read his word, and ask him to renew your mind so that he can speak to you.  You can also consult pastors, etc. but there are many quacks out there trying to give God a bad name- find a good one.  Remember: be diligent...keep on praying and seeking God for his guidance.

  9. If your Catholic, talk to ur minister or priest.

    If your Christain or Jewish, pray a lot, and you might get an answer from God.

  10. write a letter with everything wrong then burn it and god will get it!

    it actully works so dont laugh

  11. I'm not in heaven, I don't have all the answers, and heaven's a long way off. but waht's up?

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