
I need to talk to someone.?

by Guest32095  |  earlier

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My parents are fighting all the time and I'm sick of it. Anyone who has been in a situation where you never know when your parents are just going to give up and get a divorce, please answer back. I need someone to talk to.




  1. couples fight.its common.never get into it.stay away.they'll know how to handle it.they are your parents.they'll get divorced if they cant compromise.pray and hope for the best.

  2. Maybe you could ask your father when they are not together and when you think he is calm, if  he thinks your family needs family counseling so they can stop arguing all the time. Just say" I love you both I just wish we could all be happy again." This at least might give them time to think about how all this is hurting your family and maybe they will take time to try to be nice to each other. It is worth a try.

  3. All couples go through rough patches.  It's unfortunate that you have to hear it, I'm sure they try to make it so you don't.  Maybe you can let one of them know you've heard them and are concerned.  Sometimes that's just the reality check they need to seek outside help to fix things.  Maybe they could even include you on occasion for some family counseling.

    If your parents can show you that they can work things out, and are committed to each other, don't you think that is better than calling it quits?  We are so quick to end things when the going gets tough, but there was a reason they married each other in the first place!  

    My parents got a divorce after 20 years, and the process was terrible for me as a child.  I don't wish that on anyone!!  

  4. when i was little my parents fought alot they have been divorced for several yrs now and i was so happy when they got divorced i think you need to talk to your parents about how theyre fighting is affecting you and really just let them know that they need to get it to it together or just get a divorce (you might not want them to get a divorce but if theyre always fighting getting a divorce is probably the best thing to do)

  5. I used to hear my parents argue at night, and when they announced they were separating, it was no surprise to me. I felt revealed in some ways, but it took 10 yrs for my parents to get ober tha animosity and the bitterness. For 10 yrs, they would bad-mouth each  other to me...Guess, it didn't help to be the oldest child. A divorce could be good, or maybe they need a break from each other.

  6. hi there,

    I am sorry that your parents are fighting. I wish the best for you and your parents. My parents have fought my whole life, and I am more happy now that they are divorced. In the end, things will all turn out for the best, either your situation will be similar to mine, or they will work things out. I promise you, things will get better.

  7. Hey.

    last year my parents argued no stop, even about silly little things.

    everything became an argument.

    i hated it.

    when they'd start i'd grab my mp3 and walk out of the house, and say " i'm going for a walk".

    i couldn't stand it.

    i walked and walked for hours.

    trying to clear my head.

    And when i'd come back they'd be silent, not a word said.

    One night when i came home from walking the streets to clear my head.

    they whole family were sitting in the living room, my mom told me to come and sit down as we are having a family meeting.

    i sat down and my parents spoke to us about their problems and how they felt and we told them what we thought.

    my parents are still together now and argue occasionally.

    but i've learnt to deal with it.

    Even if you sit in your room and listen to some music that makes you smile and happy or you watch a film.

    just something to clear your mind, tell them how you feel.

    cause if you sit and listen to it, you'll feel worse.

    And if the worst comes to the worst you'll have the skills to help you feel better.

    hope this helped.



  8. u may no believe it now but sometimes divorce can be a good thing.

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