I recently applied for a teaching position at a local school district, I passed the first interview and just got called back for a second interview. I'm really excited and I really want this job! I They haven't told me what the grade level (k-5th) will be because they are filling in more than one position, but I'll be happy with any grade level.
For the second interview I have to teach a 20 minute lesson plan on any subject of my choice. My students will be a group of summer camp students ranging from kindergarten to fifth grade. I thought about teaching a science lesson because science can easily be hands-on and interactive, but I'm second guessing myself and feeling very anxious. I feel like I should try doing a language arts lesson but my concern is the wide range of age groups I'll be teaching.
I really need help finding a focus. Also I would really appreciate any additional suggestions or advice on how to implement the lesson. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions?