
I need to think of a game for PE?

by  |  earlier

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we news to think of a game for the whole PE class to play. Here are the rules: it can't be like an activity it has to have some fitness in it. My techer also wanted us to think of a game in the wow factor. Its actually harder than it looks. If you have any ideas I will appreciate ALL of them. I will use them to help me. thanks!!!




  1. here is a game  draw a square large enough 6*6 metres divide it into quarters write 1-4 respectively each person will be in one cell the object is to try to get to number one and stay there so number two bounces the ball into any squares the other people bounce it into other numbers eg 2 to 1 and then to 4 so the thing is if you miss you have to go back to 4

    and the person takes you place if you are greater than 4 tis can be played by subbinng the loser off make up any extra rules to make it interesting

  2. Whenever it snowed outside and we couldn't warm up on the track, we played a variation on capture the flag - Capture The Ball(s). (We liked it so much that it would take the place of weight lifting on a majority of our days).

    Here's how it works:

    - We use our gym floor (our bleachers on either side act as natural sidelines. We play long-ways (like a basketball game).

    - The out-of-bounds areas behind both hoops act as both teams' base. In the interest of fairness, you are not allowed into your own base; only team members from the opposing team are allowed into your base (so you aren't able to tag out an attacking member of the opposing team the instant he/she leaved the base).

    - The center/midline serves as the dividing line between the teams' sides.

    - The object is to cross the midline into the other team's territory, reach the other team's base, steal one of their team's balls, cross back over the midline back to your base and drop off their ball into your base, all without getting tagged. Only one ball can be carried per person per attack. Passing the balls between teammates is allowed in the BASES ONLY. (We would play with 5 balls per team, and the first team to completely secure all of the opposing team's balls in their own base is the winner).

    - You can't get tagged on your own half of the court or in the opposing team's base; only when you 're in their side. You can be tagged either with or without the ball, and if you are tagged with the ball, the ball must be returned. In all instances, if you're tagged, you're out and you must sit on the sidelines and watch the rest of your team battle it out.

    - My team would usually play half offense (the portion of our team that attempts to steal balls) and half defense (the portion of our team that prevents the other team from doing the same).

    - You can play with time caps - if you have a limited amount of class time to work with then the winner is whichever team has the most balls when time runs out.

    Feel free to adjust the rules to suit your class better. Basically, it's a game of strategy, speed, and timing!

    During stalemates or when there are very few players left the games can turn into genuine nail-biters!!

  3. Cat and Mouse?

    Its where there r 2 lines on each side of the gym, or whatever ur playing on.

    What u do is:

    Each team has like a stick, or just some kind of object.

    On 3, the person in the front runs (on both sides) all the way (around th boundry lines) and try to catch the other person.

    Once they run all the way around th court, if u still havent caught them, u pass the stick to the next person.

    U just keep playing until the other person catches the other team.

    Its a lot of excersice cause ur running  a lot.

  4. Dodgeball?

  5. what about medic? its like dodge ball but if you get hit you sit down in that spot and call for the secret medic you discussed at the begining of the game. its pretty fun


    this is an awesoem site full of fun active games for kids! Enjoy!

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