
I need to train my kitten to cover his p**p! HELP

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My little kitten Osyris is adorable. I love him dearly but, i cant seem to get him to cover his buisness after he goes to the bathroom. He does everything that he is supposed to do like dig in the gravel to make a hole but instead of going in the hole he made he just goes on top of the gravel and then stars scratching the wall, the litter box itself and the outside floor in all thinking that he is covering it and then just gets up and walks away. I've taken him countless times back to the litterbox (with gloves on) to show him how to dig a hole and cover it but he still doesnt get it. Help me please if you have ever gone through this with a kitten yourself.

Also can you tell me what kitty litter u use for ur kittens/cats. Osyris is currently using Fresh Step but I dont like that one too much any alternatives?

Yesterday he lost his first baby tooth! something just to share.




  1. I think you're doing the right thing and keep showing him what he should do.  I use ArmNHammer multi-cat.

  2. I think it could be he is just so young and still learning.  but i have a 14 lb male cat who is about 7or 8, and he still scratches outside the box and leaves his nasty business to stink up the house! dont know what to tell you here! it could be he needs a bigger box? I know mine does, but they dont make those in plus sizes!ha

  3. cats/kittens normally dont cover their poo when they think they dominate a territory - in this case your house!!!

    my 4 month old kitten started to do that... but at the end he started to cover his poo again... i guess he sumtimes just forgot to cover it because he was excited with sumthin else that culdnt be botherd!! loool

    normally they scratch the outside box to take the litter out of their paws...

    i really dont know what you should do...but just show your kitten that YOU ARE THE BOSS! as it should be...

    give him food regularly at the right times.. not when he wants to or pleases.

    if he miaws for sumthing that he shouldnt.. dont give.

    he will soon realize he depends on you to live...

    hope this helped!!!

    btw i use a pine wood based litter...its natural, smells like pine and is cheap... it also neutralizes the poo and pee odours.

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