
I need to transport a cat, possibly two, on 10-12hr drive, any tips?

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To make it less painful for all considered.

I really wish cats were more like dogs in this instance.

They get along well, they should be able to share a cage.

I'm willing to drive straight through, to make the trip shorter for them.

Also, I'll being driving in a regular cab pickup.

I should make space for them in the cab, right?




  1. you can use benydril (liquid) to calm down your cats but it would also help if you are calm with them provide some really yummy treats for them as well.  In your car you might want to bring a small liter box for them to use.  If you let them out and leave the car they might go mine did.  But of course theres always the fun of getting rid of the litter with out the cats getting out first.  If you can have someone go with you it would make it easier on the cats and you.  be sure the put an old towel in the cage as well.  Make sure they have a chance to eat a little and to drink.  Low blood sugar can make them moody.   Also you can try putting a large towel over the cage in the event they get very unpleasant.  Works for a few but not most.  

    Make sure you are rested feed watered and bathroomed as well.

    As far as the cab goes hey I'd want my babies (cats)with me as well.

  2. Even if they get along well, I would still suggest separate cages or crates, if you have them. It just seems like they'd get tired of being so close to each other for such a long trip.

    Yes, let them ride in the cab. They would probably freak out if they were in the bed of the truck! Put a towel or an old blanket in the crate(s) as a cushion. My cat loves going for car rides. I make sure his crate is high enough that he can look out the window, and he's great.

    My cat was in his crate for almost 4 hours one day, between the 30 minutes round-trip to the vet and waiting in a busy office, and he had just eaten and drank a lot that morning. But he didn't use the litter box again until a while after he got back. Cats know when it's not appropriate to urinate/defecate, because they don't want to be in the carrier with it!

  3. yes... they should travel in the cab... also go to a pet store or a vet and get some medicine that will make them calm... that's what we used when we had to go for a move that took that long... you'll feel guilty about them being drugged, but having them sleepy is better than having them screaming the whole trip... ours picked up once they were out of their travel box... travel box/cage = car seat for pets... good luck...

  4. do not feed them a couple hours before your trip either! they can handle it... pets who have to go into surgery sometimes don't eat for 15-16 hours straight.

    if your cats get irritated and freaked out you might want to try Feliway which is an alcohol based spray that carries synthetic feline pheromones. Calms them right down because it mimicks the scent that is naturally produced from the glands under their chins.

    P.S... i don't recommend benadryl.. no matter how wrong people spell it! LOLLLL.. you should never give any medication without first consulting your vet.

  5. get a soft cage...towels. Make them go to the bathroom before they go. You can give them a shot to make them sleepy. Thats wht they did to my cat on a 30 hour plane flight. Also don't feed them on the way there. They will have to go to the bathroom and it is a mess in the car.  

  6. yes, you should make room in the cab. to put them in the back (without a camper shell) would scare them- all the wind, strange sounds, bugs, or their crate moving around. atleast up front they would be more comfortable with you there. if you need, your vet can give the cats a sedative to keep them calm or asleep during the trip. inside their crates, line the bottom with either towels or training potty pads (i think they are sold in the dog section of stores) that can be changed if soiled.

    i drove 1,800 miles with 2 cats (pulling a u-haul, the trip lasted about 30 hours) a little over 2 years ago. something we did (which got a lot of stupid looks from people but who cares) was bought small harnesses and leashes for the cats on the trip. at rest stops we walked them on the grounds a little to relax them.  

  7. I dont know if you guys get it there but "Rescue Remedy" is awesome for humans and pets....i use it all the time . its a homeopathic medicine that CANNOT harm you even in an OD situation...but i swear by know where i am if you want more info ! xoxoxox

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