
I need to type up an agreement that states the other party will not proceed with any further legal actions?

by  |  earlier

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I am paying this person an x amount of money to close an ongoing dispute, but before I pay the money I need to reassure that this person will not proceed with any legal actions between myself and a business LLC. this person agrees to sign. Help!!




  1. i thik a release of liability would be in order. go online and do a search for one. should be basic. i would make sure it outlines all the specifics such as, parties; the exact incident, the date it occured, the location, the amount paid to th ecomplaintant, and then have it notarized. you should look up forms online you may be able to get one completely ready.

    list above is a generic list, and woudl not be a complete list.....

  2. You're looking for a general release and waiver which will forever close the possibility of them bringing a claim against you (or your company or any other employees, or any of your successors or assigns, or any disputed property), whether the claim is now known or may become known in the future. These are often amended to be restricted to claims arising from the specific events that caused the original problem, so you can shorten the review cycle by putting that in.  They are also often exchanged at the settlement, so you each release the other, so you can get on with your lives, and often include confidentiality requirements (cannot disclose the settlement terms or conditions), and "good behavior" clauses (can't later bad-mouth each other), among other things that your local lawyer can help you figure out for your particular case.

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