
I need to unleash some creativity!! Where should I volunteer.?

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I want to do something out of the ordinary. Can someone give me ideas as to where i could volunteer on the weekends. with kids, shelters, i dont care. i just want to make a difference in someone life.

Have you volunteered, if so where?





  2. Google "Food Not Bombs" - they give food to the homeless that would otherwise have been thrown away. They go around to restaurants and grocery stores to get the extra food. Usually they give the food out in a public park

  3. I've done lots of volunteer work, and it's very rewarding.

    The Dr. Phil show said there's an amazing ministry in that area, but I forget what it's called! (The Dream Center?) It's a church that feeds and clothes an incredible number of homeless every day. If that strikes your fancy, look on his Web site, I'm sure there's a link.

    You can easily volunteer with animals, but be forewarned, you'll probably take a few home.

    Even libraries need volunteers, someone to read to kids on the weekends and what not.

    There are museums, women's shelters, and you can even volunteer in things that might become a career for you. like at a vet clinic or newspaper.

    Start with something that interests you, and go from there. Charities are easy to find on the internet.

    Good luck.

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