
I need to use the scientific method on a daily problem ?

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I have to do an essay for my biology class about the scientific method, the only thing is that i need a situation or daily problem and apply the scientific method to it to see how i could resolve it.Can someone please help in giving me ideas of a situation in where I can apply the scientific method.Pleasssseee




  1. Here's an idea. There are a lot of folk remedies out there that people say really work but medical science says they're unproven or they don't work. Why not get a book from the library on folk remedies or herbal supplements and try one out as your experiment.

    For example, apple cider vinegar is supposed to clear up skin problems like dandruff and acne. Your hypothesis is that the vinegar will clear up the problem in x weeks. Follow the instructions you find on how do do this (drink 1 tsp. of apple cider vinegar in 1 cup of warm or hot water twice a day) and record the changes in, say, severity and number of pimples. Then stop the vinegar and see if they come back.

    That may not be the nest example, especially if you don't have skin problems. You'll need a control group or object for your study.

    How about hand lotion? Have your mother or grandmother use lotion on only one hand each day and compare it to the hand without lotion. Does the lotion make it feel smoother and look younger?

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