
I need to vent?

by  |  earlier

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I need to let my feelings out about a particular person that I work for.. I really really really really can't stand that ________... God, I know it's not good to hate people but she's one person that I really truly hate... and hate is such a strong word.... AAAAHHHHHHHH I REALLY DISLIKE HER. SOOOO MUCH.. ok..that felt a little better... feel free to vent..




  1. Girl I was in your shoes recently - but what can you do!!  We work for the money - until a better oppertunity comes along!

  2. Since we venting.....

    Girl, last week Friday, just before lunch, meh co-worker come and say that the company wants to take the Admin professionals to lunch next wed, being tomorrow, and if im interested.  so im like, yeah.  ah mean is not every day you does get to go to Muscorado out by the Gulf Course eh. so yuh gurl get happy.

    cause for the last two years we left all the bosses in the office and went Tobago on d beach and Salybia Nature Something or other.

    So im like, ok, Lunch at the company's expense with no bosses.

    I is to come in this morning, for d same coworker to tell me that they send the menu, and what ah want!  and then mention something bout and your  boss chose.......

    so Im like.....hold up!!! what you mean my boss chose?!?!?!?! then she go tell me "I ent tell you all the Executive Managers and the Director going to" WTF?????

    There went my dream of lunch with co workers that i enjoy!!!

    and to make matters worse, ah cant even get out of it.  

    So meh vex, and meh pressure little high. and ah still have to go to lunch with d managers!!

  3. for real girl listen to Ashti she right.... we eh want yuh chile come out like ah

    Here what to do... bring she down trini when u comin an we go handle she..... when she go back she eh go even look in ur

  4. Gyul ah know de stress dat come with de job. Ah was inna situation like dat one time and it get tuh de point whey ah end up leaving dat job; ah say it not worth de amount a stress ah getting fuh de amount of time ah does be in wuk. But ah feel if yuh take de leave of absence it go be good tuh relax fuh a while. Doh take she on. She muss like how she getting tuh yuh; yuh know yuh should kill she with kindness and see how she go start treatin yuh nexx time she see yuh.

  5. Gyul, doh dig no horras wit she nuh...dem people does get on so when dey see competition. So is either she fraid yuh or she man leave she or sumtin...either way you standing strong!

  6. Gyul, yuh makin baby. Yuh know de saying if yuh hate somebody yuh chile go resemble dem. Ah sure yuh eh want dat.

    It good though, vent it out.

  7. for $500 de person cud get on ah missing persons list eh

    ..... daz wha i hear dread

    Talking bout VENT i wish ah co-worker ah mine cud vent he shoes man .... sh it is only toe jam yuh does get round he and de place air conditioned wha de scene wit dat ?


    Friggy how yuh ask meh dat in de open man :(  keep dis on D L :)

  8. I understand where you are. I was in the same place until recently. A combination of kindness when I had to deal with the individual and steady ignoring when I didn't did the trick.

  9. girl, i know exactly what yuh talkin bout.  i am in dat situation right now until last week when ah put she in she she sweet like honey when talkin to  try not to let it bother yuh as long as yuh know yuh doin the right ting....stand up for yuh right.

  10. Juss ignore she. When she come aroud u, doh even watch she or nuttin. If she talk to u, start playing with a pen or do sumthing.

    To let yuh anger out, go somewhere where no one can hear u, take a pillow, pretend is she, and let yuh feelings out (cuss, kick, cuff, bite, chew, bang, etc.)

  11. de mos I could tell yuh iz that yuh never let dem kina people steal yuh joy. Wen she start to act like a jackA$$ jus ignore she buh if it get real over bearing tell she exactly how yuh feel an get it ova wit. ah go bet yuh money dat after yuh tell she to haul she stinkin codders mont she go cool dong!

  12. I so understand what yuh talking about Frigg. I working with this woman who I came in to replace. She real tight with the boss and EVERY single chance she get she pitching my tail under the bus because she doh want me to get close to the boss then she coming to talk to me with her frigging plastic smile. When ah tell you I CYAH stand she!! Finally, I told my boss and her that I don't want anything to do with her outside of work and now she acts like I don't exist. Works for me!!

  13. ahhhhhhhh poor thing - dont let her get to you instead acknowledge that everyone is different and try to get some laughs off her and try to smile alot around her that will irritate her im sure hehehehe
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