
I need to win chess!

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How do you win chess in the least amount of moves possible? What moves?





  2. Depends on your opponent's moves./

  3. Tweety nailed it.  There is no magic bullet.

    If one must win, pick a really bad opponent and try the Scholar's mate.:)

  4. The shortest possible checkmate is 2 moves.

    FOOL'S MATE ending in  2. ... Qh4# (checkmate)

    1.f3 e6, 2.g4 Qh4#

    Black has checkmated White in 2 moves for each side.

    There are other variations like 1.f4 e5, 2.g4 Qh4#

    See this link for an interative board to play the games:

    This is a lesser-known, lesser-published, mate in just three moves:


    1.e4 Nc6, 2.Ne2 Nb4, 3.c3 Nd3#

    Black has checkmated White in 3 moves for each side.

    Some famous/named very-short checkmates include:

    SCHOLAR'S MATE: finishing with 4.Qxf7#.

    A variation of SCHOLAR'S MATE can arise from B02 Alekhine's Defense:

    1.e4 Nf6, 2.Bc4 Nxe4, 3.Qh5 Nf6, 4.Qxf7#

    White has checkmated Black in 4 moves.  

    Another variation of this mate:

    1. e4 e5, 2.Bc4 Nc6, 3.Qf3 d6, 4.Qxf7#

    LEGAL'S MATE: after black wins whites queen with 5.Nxe5 Bxd1.

    A variation of LEGAL'S MATE can arise from C41 Philidor's Defense,

    1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 3.Bc4 Bg4 4.Nc3 g6 5.Nxe5 Bxd1 6.Bxf7+ Ke7 7.Nd5#

    White has checkmated Black in 7 moves.

    While I answered your two questions, as posed;

    but you also exclaimed: "I need to win chess!"

    I will address that also.

    Well-played games of chess are most likely to be much longer games,

    especially between people of relatively the same strength,

    Those short-game miniatures, the answers that I provided above,

    are interesting examples involving poor play by one or both sides.

    To win at chess more likely requires you to learn more about the game

    than just to know about these miniature games.

    You need to make good moves to win more reliably win at chess.

    To improve your game, you'll need to learn by some combination of

    • research (for example: reading good chess books and articles),

    • review games (what Masters do is more important than what they say),

    • getting chess instructions from an excellent player and teacher, and

    • practicing against real people of relatively the same strength as you

       (primarily against opponents that are only slightly better, or worse).

    Computers can help with some of the above.

    For example: Improve Your Chess

  5. in the least amount of moves with the help of a not particularly bright opponent this is the the fastest way to win a chess game fools mate.

    another way is scholars mate1.e4 2.f6 g5 3.Qh5#.

    Preview your Answer - Yahoo! Answersh5 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nf6 4.Qxf7#.

  6. there is no actual strategy to win, you just play. but the best thing is to move the outer ones first (ones on the edge of the board and 1st row)  and then move the inner ones ( middle and 1st row) and make sure they are doubled so they can't eat or take your piece

  7. don't depend on move it is in the stragedy...

    think of your opponents move that is a bad move

    think a move that will lead to to win..

    something like that...

  8. Depending on what rating you are, the least amount of moves you can possibly make to win a game is your rating compared to your opponents.

    For example, if you rating is 2400 and your opponent's rating is like ~1500...The least amount of moves you win is about ~20 moves...That's only when you are flawless in execuation and your opponent makes a bad mistake (which is likely considering the fact your supposed rating is 2400).  

  9. Black can win in two moves, if White plays like an idiot.

    White can win in 3 moves, if Black plays like an idiot

    A lot of people try the 4 move checkmate, but again, Black has to play like an idiot to fall for it.

    If you're not going to learn how to play the game, then don't waste your time... find something else to do.
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