
I need to write a program for Vista that has to read/write files...?

by  |  earlier

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What programming language should I use? I ran out of ideas. First, I tried to create a simple HTA application in Javascript. File IO from HTA works on Windows XP Professional, but HTA applications cannot write to files under Vista... :(

I could use maybe Visual Basic or something similar, but I don't want to do invest a lot of time and money in this. I need a quick solution. Please. (I know three languages - C, BASIC, and Javascript.)




  1. A compiled C program should work fine.


    FILE *fptr;

    fptr = fopen("myfile.txt", "rw");

    if (fptr != NULL) {

    // Read/write statements go in here



  2. Well, you know C. Are you familiar with the Windows API? If you are, I suggest getting Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition (free download) and using your knowledge of the API to recreate the program you need. Just write a simple console app. that could help you.

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