
I need to write a resignation letter, but i cant work my notice period?

by  |  earlier

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my notice period is one month and i cant work it. I feel really bad handing in my notice as it will hinder the work progress dramatically. I dont think i could stay around at work once i hand my notice in for a whole month...... sould i hand my notice in and go on a sicky??? or say summats come up and i have to go away??? my reference should be no problem as one of the guys said he'll sort the reference out for me!!! what should I do??? Help Pls. give me sum ideas and plans....thanx in advance




  1. Tell them you have to leave town.

  2. Ok, if you have no problem with the reference thing, then, just tell them you are leaving the job earlier for personal reasons and can't give them the 1 month notice. But make sure that person will still be your reference, you dont want to burn the bridges behind you.

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