
I need to write a thank you card for my work

by Guest57573  |  earlier

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On sunday, I got a phone call that my friend had been in a car accident and was on a life support devastated as I am..i accepted it, she died on monday..i got the call when i was in work and utterly went into tears i made the decision to stay in work even though colleagues wanted me to leave, they were just amazing, they comforted me and looked after me, I took a day off and they supported me when i decided i didn't want to go to the funeral, I want to get them a card and something else as a thank you because they were just's mixed s*x in our place with mostly more males...what i need help with is what do i write in the card, do i write about my friend, you know like thanks for helping and stuff like that, do i write it to the individual people who helped or to everyone!! i was thinking something like thanks for your support and comfort the past week through the recent loss of my friend kelly*...obviously im not going to write that something along those lines

sorry i know this question is boring, but it's important to me, also what could i get them, I'm thinking a cake or lollies ??

i asked this question before but only got like one answer so i need more help guys :)




  1. Forget the card nothing says more than words, in a case like this i think its important to acknowledge those that supported you with your own words, i don´t think giving a gift is appropriate in this situation keep it real and express your thanks in the same way they did. PERSONALLY

  2. Tell them how much their support meant to you and how it helped you.  One card for all to see is ok.

    You have said it really ..."they were fantastic" and "just amazing".  Tell them just that and say they are the best work colleagues you could wish for.

    A bunch of flowers or a plant  that everyone can see, or a big box of lunctime sandwiches, a spectacular cake. special chocolates.

    Not knowing them it is difficult, but a heartfelt thankyou means a lot.

  3. Something like...

    The support and kindness you showed me during such a traumatic time will never be forgotten.

    Thank you...

    Just keep it short and to the point, most people are thoroughly decent and kind, so keep it brief and poignant, and yep, cakes would be good, because although they helped you through a really difficult event, they will have moved on, and having trials and tribulations of their own, so bringing the cakes in would be such an uplifting gesture.

    I'm deeply sorry for your loss by the way

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