
I need two people for a job survey. Please help..?

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O.k I need two people one male and one female that can help me finish my homework. I need to interview them , and ask questions about their job. Please help.

These are the following questions and info:

Career ____


Martial status_____


Q1:Which part of your lifestyle-family , friends, leisure activities,spiritual well-being , or career - is most important to you? Why?

Q2:Which of the five parts-family, friends, leisure activities,spiritual well-being, or career- do you wish you could get greater satisfaction from than you do now?

Q3:How does your career affect the other four parts of your lifestyle?

Q4:What caused you to choose your present career?

Q5:How often have you changed careers?

Are you interested in changing careers in the future?Yes___No___

Q6:Aside from the money you earn, what gives you a sense of satisfaction with your career?

Q7:What,if anything,could you have done in the past to make your work more satisfying today?

Q8:What advice do you have for me as I choose and prepare for a career?

Please help.Your answers would be kept confidential , so please help.All answers welcomed.




  1. Career: Sales Associate

    Age: 14

    Martial status: Single

    Gender: Femal

    Q1:Which part of your lifestyle- family , friends, leisure activities,spiritual well-being , or career - is most important to you? Family and friends because when everything else goes wrong in your life with your job or whatever else, you can count on your family and close friends to still be there for you.

    Q2:Which of the five parts-family, friends, leisure activities,spiritual well-being, or career- do you wish you could get greater satisfaction from than you do now?

    Leisure Activites, I dont have time with any extra curricular things like sport teams with homework and school. I wish I could find more time in my schedule.

    Q3:How does your career affect the other four parts of your lifestyle?

    As my career, is part time is does not affect them a lot. I have to bail on plans with friends when I find out I have to take another shift or not have dinner with my family from time to time.

    Q4:What caused you to choose your present career?

    Well, it is one of the only jobs I am able to get my age and it is at a place I enjoy being at.

    Q5:How often have you changed careers?

    Are you interested in changing careers in the future?Yes___No_X_

    This is my first job so never.

    Q6:Aside from the money you earn, what gives you a sense of satisfaction with your career?

    I get a sense of satisfaction when I help a customer find something that they really love.

    Q7:What,if anything,could you have done in the past to make your work more satisfying today?

    I could have looked a little harder in the storage room for the size this one girl who came into the store, couldnt find.

    Q8:What advice do you have for me as I choose and prepare for a career?

    Just do what you love, not by how much your paycheck is every month!

  2. Grounds Supervisor




    1. family is most important.  Jobs, even careers, come and go and are never gauranteed, especially in today's economy.  But your family will always be there and are the source of all inspiration and motivation for me.

    2.  leisure- don't get enough of it.  lol.

    3.  keeps me able to care for the other parts, and gives me time away from it when i need it.  when I've been gone all day and I come home, I'm happy to see my family and my babies run to me and laugh and play.

    4.  it is flexible enough that if something comes up at home, I can take care of it and don't have to worry about getting fired for it.  My boss is someone I actually consider a friend, which is more than a lot of people can say.

    5.  this is the first job I could consider a career.  But yes, I'm currently trying to finish my degree and get a second certificate for EKG tech.

    6.  I love working with the kids and the other ladies in the office.  I also get to work with animals, a personal love of mine.  I love watching all the plans made come into effect and go well, and the client is happy with the results.

    7.  finished school faster.  I took a break from college and got side-tracked by life, marriage and kids.  Now it's harder to finish it because if time restraints and budget.  

    8.  choose something you love, and don't let it become just a job.  The more you love it, the more you get out of it.  If you let it become just a job, then you've only taken something away from yourself that you loved and made it tedious and boring.  Always make time for family and friends and don't get too wrapped up in the climb to the top, enjoy the present, while keeping an eye on the future.

    Hope this helps!!!!  Good luck with the assignment.

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