
I need ur help this time so plz help me ?

by  |  earlier

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hey lady's i have a question i had my period this month on the 19 and it end it on the 21 but the first day it was real light like as in 1 pad that day the next day on the 20Th it was a Lil heavy like i had 2 use 3 pads that day as and it was going 2 end but it didn't. the 21 the same way as in it was ending and it did. but on the 23rd it came back this time it was so light i didn't need a pad or a liner then it was i have a new question 4 u when i had this period i had some cramping a i never have cramps with my periods be 4 ? i now i don't have any thing cause i went 2 the doctor last month and got check out i was good? what do u think this is a normal period or not ?




  1. It sounds like a normal period.  Each cycle I have different symptoms...sometimes worse cramps than others.  I wouldn't worry about it.  Good luck!!!

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