
I need ur help??? wat do i do next.. pls read on???

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i dont know the education system here .. im an asian i want to continue my education i know graduate colleges r exp so the other option is start with a community college and then transfer.. but i do not know wer to start if i would have been in my country i would know i have to go to the college collect my forms fill up and join college... wat is the procedure here.. i have seen the 2-3 college websites and decided on some courses.. but im not sure which one to choose.. wat should i do.. whom should i talk to.. if i go to the college wat do i do to join college wat r credits .. i do not know anything if iget a brochure from college will it help me.. do they have counsellers in college to help me... if so wat should i tell them...i would really appreciate if someone would guide me through the whole proccess.. in detail.. i have no one to help me.. thanx




  1. Here's a list of the best universities in the U.S. for international students. Once you find a college that you like, look up the admissions office and contact the person in charge. They will help you:

    Good luck!

  2. There are counselors at every college designed to answer every question you just asked here. Stop by or call and make an appointment and they'll help you sort everything out :) Their website will usually list a phone number or email so you can contact an admissions adviser to set up an appointment. Just ask them where you should start to sign up and what you need to do. Ask about financial aid information and any other questions you have on your mind. They're there to help you! And there is no such thing as a stupid question.

    Many colleges have applications for admission found online, on their websites. Those can be a bit confusing though for a new student, but the counselors can help you figure everything out if you meet with them. They'll help you set up your schedule of classes and tell you what classes you'll need to get a degree. They'll probably start you off with general requirements (LERs) like Math, Composition, and Basic Science courses. All college students need to take those before they can get to specialized classes for their majors.

    Credits are what you need to graduate. Each class is worth a certain amount of "credit hours". Most classes are about 3 "hours" (credits) but some can be only worth 1 credit and some can be worth up to 5 or 6. It really depends on the difficulty of the class and how often you meet a week (classes that meet every day are likely to be worth more credits).

    A bachelor's degree (a 4-year degree) is usually worth about 120 credits. An associates degree (2-year degree, like at a community college) is usually worth about 60 credits.

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