i'm very over weight but still quite active. i've decided enough is enough and going to diet and exercise religiously as I'm young (23) but having back, knee and ankle pain.
my plan is to go gym as much as i can and will be 4-5 times a week. do some machines and swimming.
diet wise
morning: Small pack of fruit and dry rvita or,
yogurt and fruit or,
LF cereal.
lunch: brest of chicken, fish, or some kinda meat and veg, or
crackers with a spread, or
jacket and cottage cheese or another LF filling.
really i want to go on a fat free diet.
Dinner: soup and crackers,
small fish or meat salad,
meat/fish with veg.
snacks: fruit...thats about it!!! :)
Thank you.
I need to lose about 6-8 stone