
I need weight loss help?

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I lost my motivation for working out Help??? I know I'm fat. I know I need to drop some 300 pounds. I started working out, thought I was doing good, but then just lost my motivation. I'm disgusted with how big I am, and I want to drop the pounds. But I also have no motivation to work out. I'm very, very much out of shape, I can't afford to join a gym, I live over 30 miles from a YMCA, I live on a 2nd floor apt and can't do jumping jacks cuz it would sound like a herd of elephants to my neighbors. I can't do push ups, crunches or sit ups cuz first I'd never be able to get back up off the floor if I ever made it to the floor to begin with. There's no place to go walking here either. There's no sidewalks, no parks, nothing to walk to and from. I don't own a bike. Besides, I'm too fat to get on a bike, and I'd never get it up and down the stairs. Speaking of walking, I get all hot and sweaty and out of breath just walking from my apartment to my car and back. How can I get motivated again?

I can't afford to buy clothes that fit me, let alone clothes that don't fit me!!! I eat at home 99% of the time. I don't have the money to order pizza/eat out. I don't go anywhere that involves taking elevators. I would take the bus more, but the nearest bus stop is 2 miles away and starts running at 8 in the morning and stops running at 7 and doesn't run on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays. I can't take the bus because it's just to dam far too walk. I don't eat out. I eat healthy, that part is no problem. I'm working on cutting out more sodium. The people I know who need to loose weight don't care/don't want too. I'm the only fat person among my friends who actually wants to loose weight. Everyone else I know who works out all the time is skinny little things that can do circles around me. I eat a lot of salads (with oil and vinager or no dressing!) and lot of fruits and fresh veggies, nothing canned. I eat 5 oz of meat at dinner, and watch everything else. I need help getting back on track, I need ideas?




  1. First you have to know that 3500 calories equals one pound. If you get your bmr online then eat less calories then it says then subtract that amount from it you will get your daily deficit of calories. Now how many days until that deficit equals 3500? This will tell you how many days until you lose 1lb. For example My BMR is 1772 but I eat 800 calories a day. So I subtract 800 from 1772 which gives me 972. Now I muliply 972 and 4, which gives me 3888. So I know every 4 days I will lose 1lb. But, I do the eliptical everyday and burn 400 calories from that which cuts my 800 calories down to 400. So, I anticipate a 1lb weight lose every 2 days.

  2. keep trying

  3. That sounds like a lot of obstacles to overcome but just know that many people are in the same situation as you. Go to and sign up (its free). There are a ton of motivational people and groups you can join to help you get motivated. You can even know how many calories you need to eat a day or burn off a week. I strongly recommend that site, if you stick with it people can show you exactly how to do the little things to get back on track!

  4. Hey .. you have the motivation ... inside your heart .. you know you want to lose weight ... and be a better health conditions ..

    you have a strong heart ... just follow it!

    visit this blog  .. you'll find some helpful tips with food and calories .. besides your exercising .. so you can make the best results ...

    keep going body ..

    good luck

  5. It must be frustrating to have all these roadblocks... but don't give up!!  Nothing worthwile comes easy.  


    I recommend that you TRY this program because it has helped so many people:


    I say "TRY" because it has a 60-day money back GUARANTEE if you don't lose weight.  

    I recommend it because it's gauranteed to work, inexpensive, very effective, has lots of value, has a diet generator, and it calculates your weightloss potential.

    It also includes a FREE guide to 5 secrets that weight loss companies don't want you to know.  


    Other valuable information you'll get include:

    *What to eat & when to eat for max weight loss

    *How to manipulate and control your body to become a weight loss machine

    *How you can eat more and lose more

    *How to trick your body into being "full"

    *The "Secrets" about water

    *4 things that will help you propel your weight loss

    *How to drop inches in the next 7 days....

    and so much more.

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