
I need witches help please

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1. I wanna be witch who does potions and spells like to talk to animals

or talk to trees and make things grow and conjore things

How do i get started and is this possible




  1. You don't wake up one day and say (I think I'm gonna be a witch today) This is a life change that starts at a young age.  You are doing this for revenge and it will have strong repercussions.  Follow this path and it will not give you what you seek.  Curses are hard work and take a lot out the person doing them.  The best revenge is going on with your life as if this person your mad at doesn't exist.

  2. okay, first of all, never base anything from wicca off of a movie >_<

    SERIOUSLY!! also read up on wicca and its backrounds. do not, ( and i mean this) DO NOT do spells unless you know the basics.

    this is a very good website for beginners.

  3. Personally, I think magick is an ineffective means to achieve a goal. It's much better to just do something instead of imagining you're doing it, then going and doing it in real life anyway.

    That's essentially what magick is. You're imagining stuff. Sometimes it might seem to have an effect in real life, but it's just like prayer - about half the time it works.

    There's no harm in doing it, though. Go to Borders. They have books there about it. Avoid books that look like they're directed at children. Also avoid books that just list a bunch of spells. Spells must be tailored to fit an individual and a specific purpose.

    Good sources are books that list very few spells and emphasize the philosophy of everything. Magick is a way of thinking, and saying some words will do nothing if you don't believe in it.

  4. I'm sorry that movies like The Craft even exist because that is sooo not how witchcraft is.  Also, witches don't put curses on others, it's against the wiccan rede.  If a witch were to do something like that, it would come back to them times 3.  Wichcraft is a gentle belief, like healing and blessing things, not curses.  I suggest you start by reading as many books as you can.  Unfortunately, it's not something that you can jump into right away, like everything else it takes practice, practice, practice.  And don't listen to the stupid people who say that it's evil, they just refuse to learn about witchcraft and are blind and dumb.  As I said, it's a "gentle" belief.  We want to help others and our mother earth and the people on it, not harm.  I hope this helps you.  Good luck.  :)

  5. Um, buddy, that's not really how REAL life witches work.  They are a serious, evil crowd you DON'T want to get involved with.  They can rope you into some real scary, evil things.  Most of the time, you don't know if someone's a witch unless they tell you, but I will just say this: if this is what you think witches do then if you become a real one, you will be in for a SHOCK.

  6. The movie "The Craft" is not witchcraft and potions class is from Harry Potter. Witchcraft is a serious practice that takes study and well,  practice. The more you study and learn, the more foolish your question will seem to you. There are books by Scott Cunningham, Janet & Stewart Farrar and Gavin Bone, Christopher Penczak, Margot Adler, etc. that will point you in the right direction. I suggest you take the time to read a few of them.

  7. The stuff you see in the movies or on the TV is for entertainment.

    It's not real magic(k).  

    Did it never occur to you that IF a human could do those sorts of

    things there might be a news story somewhere by a major media

    network?  Multiple documentaries (like has been done with


  8. you might want to do some research on this.

    its a lifestyle change, not a fun pastime.

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