
I need worms for bait?

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i live in florida and its raining right now but i need worms how do i catch them i dont see them at the surface




  1. I usually soak down the grass about an hour before sunset and find them on top with a flashlight. They will be stretched out across the lawn. If you are gonna use worms a lot, you may want to start your own worm farm so you have a constant supply. Try the following site:

    It may help with a constant bait supply. Good luck.

  2. 1.Put Sprinklers/Hose/ext... on for about 5 minutes befor dark

    (Or after rain)

    2.Bring a flashlight and something to put worms in

    3.Shine your flashlight around until you see a worm

    3.If soil still follow above but bring a shovel to dig

    4.Once you see a worm take light off and quickly grab worm

    (you can buy these at a Reptile/Fishing shop)

    5.Look under moist areas too such as bricks on the ground thats were I find mine

  3. yea u have to dig under the soil. and get them out

  4. Look under logs and rocks I have also heard that mixing water and soap and poaring it on the ground will work as well!!!!!!! Easier to buy from local 711 or walmart

  5. when I was a kid I remember going into the backyard at night with a flashlight & picking the worms off the grass

  6. Two options. U can use fake works like senkos or use real worms. Find an open area that is moist. Drive a stick into the ground and start sawing on it or banging it to make vibration. The worms will start popping up.

  7. if the soil is clay or sandy you may not find any - they like dark soil or loam...with organic matter... usually around alot of leaves or other organic matter - watch out for snakes!!

    they normally come out at night and you need to walk very lightly as they can sense your footsteps and they can feel the heat from an ordinary flashlight so you need to be quick if you see them.

      They normally come about 1/2 our of their holes (you should be able to see holes in the lawn if you have any - small holes big enough for a pencil to fit into) with a little bit of dirt around the holes.  When you see them grab them (hold them down)but DON'T pull you gently start working one end out of the hole if it doesn't come out easy.

      If you pull you will break takes practice - need to go about an hour or so after dark - I use a flashlight but I put a piece of saran plastic wrap over the front of it to cut down on the heat that the light puts off - night crawlers are VERY sensitive to light AND your foot steps (ground vibrations). I normally try to find a section of grass near a garden or bare spot and look for them along the edge.

      If you have them a good long rain will bring them up and out of their holes... but most of the time they are half in/half out. I normally get a milk jug and cut a hole in it around the top big enough to drop in a small apple - then I put it on my belt and put the worms I catch in the milk jug - when it's full I have a bucket I dump it into - this way you don't need to keep moving the bucket around and scaring the worms away with the vibration...

  8. I buy mine at Wal-Mart in their sporting goods department.

    Look into how to build a worm farm...

  9. u hav to wait till dark or go to a spot that the soil is loose and theres like no grass and start digging there then pick some out
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