
I need you to help me end this fight with my sister!! HELP PLEASE!!!

by  |  earlier

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Ok, now you might find this funny, but seriously, i need your help. OK, so, my sis and i have ipods. So about a month ago, her earphones broke. Mine were fine. About a week after her complaining about them being broken, I find mine completely massacered and I look over at her happily listening to her songs with perfectly fine earphones. Now, I think we all kinda know who is responsible for SWITCHING the earphones. So, I say "Hey! Those are mine!" And she says no they arent. They are MINE. So obviously I'm like "Wat the heck!? nu-uh" and she says STOP LYING. AHH!!! grrr

so I ask, what happened to ur headphones and she says I dont remember and I say where did u get those and she says she just "found them". So, we keep on arguing about this. WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?! I have been using these crappy earphones for a while now and I just cant stand it! I have to hold them up to my ear to hear them and there is this annoying noise in the background!!! AHHH!!! its killing me!

Please help me RESOLVE THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

I know you might say, just buy new ones, but all the ones I'm buying dont fit in my ear, (cuz i have really small ears.. haha), but why should I keep using my own money for buying something I already have!! By the way, my sister is OLDER than me, which i think is pathetic.







  1. ummm honestly i would have already knocked the **** outta her. she is the older sister and that immature.  

  2. um those things tend to have guranties...should be able to send them in and get new ones

    also talk to your parents, they aint stupid

  3. Just tell her or write her a letter, saying that all she had to do was ask and you would have been happy to share yours with her. Tell her that you are truly hurt that she is willing to lie and be that selfish as to give you her broken ones while she now has taken yours. Tell her that you trusted her cause she is your sister, and now she has taken something little and made it big, cause she lied and she stole. The thing is is that you are attacking her, accusing her and natural reaction is to get offensive. At this point she is doing just that. I mean it is obvious she did this, but you didn&#039;t see her do it so you can&#039;t prove it. instead of attacking like a cat with it&#039;s claws out, you could have approached in a way that was asking and compromising. She may be older, but she may be more selfish. Your only choice at this point is to purchase new ones and keep them put up. Put your name on them.

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