Ok, now you might find this funny, but seriously, i need your help. OK, so, my sis and i have ipods. So about a month ago, her earphones broke. Mine were fine. About a week after her complaining about them being broken, I find mine completely massacered and I look over at her happily listening to her songs with perfectly fine earphones. Now, I think we all kinda know who is responsible for SWITCHING the earphones. So, I say "Hey! Those are mine!" And she says no they arent. They are MINE. So obviously I'm like "Wat the heck!? nu-uh" and she says STOP LYING. AHH!!! grrr
so I ask, what happened to ur headphones and she says I dont remember and I say where did u get those and she says she just "found them". So, we keep on arguing about this. WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?! I have been using these crappy earphones for a while now and I just cant stand it! I have to hold them up to my ear to hear them and there is this annoying noise in the background!!! AHHH!!! its killing me!
Please help me RESOLVE THIS NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
I know you might say, just buy new ones, but all the ones I'm buying dont fit in my ear, (cuz i have really small ears.. haha), but why should I keep using my own money for buying something I already have!! By the way, my sister is OLDER than me, which i think is pathetic.