
I need your advice, please?

by  |  earlier

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i have a job interview in a few hours and i was wondering if anyone had any advice for me, besides looking descent of course. do you know of any questions that i may be asked?? wish me luck!

Thank You! :)




  1. Uh...what profession is this interview of yours for? Be confident. Even if you don't feel confident, force it. Don't stutter or EVER repeatedly use the words "um", or "like".

    You know, "I um really want to think you um for this um opportunity um...etc".

  2. When they do ask you a question - take a breath and think before you speak. That way you won't end up saying "um" or stutter when you start talking.

    Try to keep a smile on your face and have eye contact with whom you are speaking to.

    Good luck!

  3. At all times stay with a positive attitude and if they ask you a question you do not know the answer to tell them something that at least you know what your talking about do not just give them a blank stare. keep telling them that you think you would be a great asset to there business in the future and you are a quick learner. reassure them that if they do hire you that they would not regret it and you plan to be the best employee possible. do not slouch and keep your hands away from your mouth while you are talking to them and do not mumble you should be fine

  4. More than anything...your employer will be interested in your customer service skills.Just imagine you are a customer in this particular store.Ask yourself how you would like to be treated when you are in inquiring about an item.

    Customers in any store are not an interruption to shop assistants or cashiers.if you put the customer first...then your employer...will always have a business.

  5. Always look your interviewer in the eyes, and don't shift around to much, because the interviewer will think you are shifty if you can not focus and sit still.

    Good luck

  6. If they ask you if you have any questions always ask at least one. Ask about the company or the pay or something. You will look better if you seem more eager and interested. Good luck!

  7. Hi there,

    I worked in HR and recruitment for several years.

    The questions will depend of course on the role but I would say prepare yourself for questions along the following lines:

    How do you organise yourself?

    How you deal with conflicting priorities/deadlines?

    Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

    Have you experienced conflict working part of a team?

    What are your strengths and weaknesses?

    What have you enjoyed the most/least doing at work so far?

    The point of difference between you and other interviewees will be providing examples. Interviewees always answer questions very vaguely. Please provide examples of situations with positive outcomes. It will make you stand out.

    Good luck :)


  8. Do you know very much about the company you are going to be interviewed for?

    Hit their website and do a bit of research on the companys vision.

    Keep your feet flat on the floor and maintain good eye contact.

    Don't be afraid to ask questions.

    Ask yourself where you would like to be in a few years and how working for this organisation can help you reach your goals.

    Don't relay too much personel infomation.

    Avoid telling them what sort of a person you think you are.

    Good luck.

  9. Be confident.

    Customer service is important.

    You are the best form of marketing for the company so talk about working hard and customer service (not just serving people fast, helping people by being knowledgable etc)

    Teamwork is a big thing currently.

  10. I would also like to recommend that you don't smoke or wear perfume/cologne. The interviewer may be allergic or not like the smell of the products/smoke. Also remember that you are interviewing them as well to see if this position is right for you so make sure you ask questions too. Though they may feel you are a great fit for this position, you may not feel the same way. Also try to avoid asking too many questions about the pay. This may discourage them from hiring you. Ask questions about the goals of the company, the atmosphere on a daily basis (such as is it a fast paced position or slow), and make sure you take an extra copy of your resume in case they need an additional copy.

  11. it is hard to tell what questions you may be asked; it is very relevant to the particular job. however, there are a few questions you will be asked at every interview such as, your previous work experience, your personality and how you relate to people, what you hope to achieve by working at this job, if you believe you are qualified for the job, and how you think you will do.

    my advice to you, as far as how to behave, is to appear confident, speak clearly, smile, laugh at any jokes the interviewer makes even if they are not funny, answer the questions clearly and without hesitation, be pleasant with your interviewer, and ask how you can go above and beyond your outlined job expectations.

    good luck on your interview.

  12. Give a firm handshake at the beginning and the end of the interview. Be sure to smile, look them in the eye when talking, ask questions. Ask for a business card before you leave.

    As far as the questions it kinda depends on the position you are applying for. I recently was asked to tell the interviewers a joke.

  13. Be careful not to use slang, and smile, be honest

  14. It would help you if you are clear in your mind about these three things before you are interviewed:

    1.  Why do I want this job?

    2.  Why should they prefer me over other candidates?

    3.  There are many many more jobs out there if I dont get this one!

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