
I need your advice about having to be around gossiping teachers all day long and ........?

by Guest59023  |  earlier

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....and how to handle the negative emotions that I feel when I have to be within that kind of environment on a daily basis.

I am "learning the ropes" as a student teacher, and most of the teachers are women who love love love to gossip, and I can tell that they are gossiping about me like nobody's business, which makes me feel very insecure.

I want to teach, but I don't like it when so many of them act like that!




  1. I had the same experience in the first school I taught at. It was awful. What was worse, the principal was one of them! She had her own group of followers who she would gossip to. Everyone told me, "welcome to the world of education".

    I have since moved to another school. And it's completely different. I LOVE my new school. No one gossips like that. Our school motto (for faculty) is "everyone is doing the best they can at that moment". That is how we approach situations.

    My advice: stay away from teachers like that. Or at least when they start gossiping about others, excuse yourself. Just know that it isn't like that at every school. When you search for a job at the end of your year, talk to teachers at the schools you are serious about. Find out about the community from the teachers and staff. (How faculty treat staff is a great indicator!) There are some truly amazing communities out there whose goal is to educate and care for the children, not gossip about other teachers.

  2. Thank you for asking this question.  I am going back to teaching, and one of the things I am worried about is all the gossip that seems to go on.  It really bothers me.  I don't want to "feed" into it, so I try and not say anything, but then I am perceived as being unfriendly or not one of the players.  I don't have an answer, but know you are not alone in being bothered by it.  

  3. While you are student teaching, there is not a lot you can do about it.  Try your best to not surround yourself with those people, and above all, DO NOT get sucked into their gossip.  When you get hired as a teacher, just realize that not all schools are like the one you are student teaching in.  At my school, the people gossip, but I really do not talk to the ones that do.  I have my own group of teachers that I spend time with and talk to and we don't gossip much at all (you can't completely NOT gossip in a school, there is too much to talk about!!)  Do your best and remember that you are only there for a semester and you are there for the kids.

  4. Please don't let that get to you. All women love to gossip(I truly believe that it is in our blood). It is quite unprofessional that they would gossip about you while you are near them. Don't pay attention to them. This is your moment to shine. Remember, how you do during your student teaching can make all the difference in how quickly you secure a job teaching at a school. If you truly feel uncomfortable you could always talk to your supervisor about what is going on at the school. Good Luck!

  5. Sadly during student teaching you are stuck because you need a good reccomendation from your mentor teacher and principal. Just know that you don't have to work there.  It is rare to find a school with teachers that don't gossip. You are right - it's toxic to the environment. My suggestion is to kill them with kindness. Also become even more humble than you probably are. If you compliment compliment compliment and ask for advice, be at lunch - so there are less places for them to gossip, be positive then it may wean.  Also, try asking your mentor teacher for ways to improve. I remember (not saying that you are) but when I left student teaching, I felt like I knew everything and I think it is easy to judge so maybe if you catch yourself being over judgemental, try not to be...experience is valuable also.

    My suggestion is to always be positive and humble. Don't let it get to you! Try to find some people in your building that are positive and build relationships with them. Lastly NEVER complain about anyone at work with people at work. It will bite you in the butt. Also, those teachers goosiping may just be insecure in your fresh ideas.  You can make it through but unfortunately you have to just suck it up for not. Not all schools and not all teachers are like this.  Some just are.  

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