
I need your advice please!?

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I was going out with this guy and we broke up but we still got along really well so I hung out with him loads still.

A few weeks after we broke up I went over to his to watch a film and there were a few unused condoms on his coffee table. Out of stupid curiosity I asked them who's they were. He told me he's been sleeping with someone who was in town for a few weeks. I got really upset because I felt like he was shoving it my face that he wasn't with me anymore and he was free to 'shag about'. He didn't really see what the big deal was and didn't understand why I was really angry with him.

I'm due to meet up with him in a few days and basically I have to decide whether I want to continue a friendship with him or just go our separate ways. It's a very hard one for me to make because I moved to a new city last year and started going out with him. He was the only person who knew a lot about me and why I am how I am sometimes and I don't have anyone else like that who I can talk to about these things....

What would you do?




  1. did break up.

    You asked him about the condoms and he gave you an answer...why are you pissed? if you didn't want the truth you shouldn't have asked.

  2. In my opinion, you still have a few feelings for him, and he was being honest with you. Would you have liked him to lie and say they weren't his? You broke up with a guy you have tiny feelings for, and when you find out he's with someone else you're jealousy takes over. I would definitely go my separate way if I knew I'd be jealous of what he did, or I'd tell him that I still wanted to be with him.  

  3. Tough one.

    Well if you're enjoying the friendship still, just be pleased you still have that with him.

    I'm going through a similar thing, and its not nice when it gets shoved in your face and they just don't understand why your angry about it.

    Just try and spend more time together, maybe it will go back to how it was in time?

    I'd stick around and just be a friend because you don't want to be alone.

    It depends on whether you can be around him in a friend way rather than a gf way if you still have feelings for him.

  4. You broke up.  You knew what he was like

    Why whinge now?

  5. Oh sweetheart,me and my ex are in the same situation almost.We were on and off for a year(I dumped him because his idea of "time together" was me staying at his,yeah you get me?!?)anyway he eventaully dumped me the third time saying it wouldnt work and yes i was gutted but i accepted it.we work together so that was hard enough.but then the same weekend as he dumped me,he brought his now-fiancee in while i was working,and TOTALLY flaunted her in my face as if to say look what you gave up....I dont regret never sleeping with him,experience has taught me Id rather be celibate than sleep with a guy for the sake of it.But anyway,thats broke my heart and I spent most of my shift crying and thank god for my mum and my best friends,my best friends actaully came to my work that night and would not leave my side and were on hand with ready-cuddles and dirty looks for him and her!!!!!!anyway we are only JUST back on friendly terms(he has accepted i dont like her),and he knows i will walk if he pushes me that far again.Honey,what I am trying to say is that it's up to you.Can you handle having him as just a friend?Because if you can;t,you need to seperate yourself from him until you are ready(if ever) to be just friends but please be sure to tell him how you feel and how hurt he has made yu feel.he needs to know the truth.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  6. He's trying to make you jealous

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