
I need your comments and suggestions regarding...?

by Guest58803  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike photos of human interests to improve my work...thx..

Pls rate from 1-5....1 = lowest, 5 = Highest...thx




  1. 1- It would be a good photo if the quality wasnt so poor. It's blurry, noisy, and lacks contrast....BUT the composition is nice. I'll give it a 2.

    2-Interesting angle and interesting subject, but again, poor quality and lacks contrast. I'll give it a 2.

    3- This one's a little better quality. I also really like the subject, very interesting. I like the effect the steam rising has. Pretty cool. Only's a tad blurry and the sky is over-exposed. I'll give this one a 3.

    4- Eh....again, interesting subjects but they're too far away to have an impact AND the photo is grainy and blurry. This one is another 2. It needs a lot of work. I really think you should have gotten closer up to the kids.

    5- Bad. Blurry, grainy, too dark, no contrast, over-exposed light, crooked, bad angle. I really don't like this one. I think you should have gotten closer and tried a lower angle....getting her face in the picture, which would have gotten rid of that bright light in the background. This is a 1.

  2. i think those are really good they just need to editing done to them if you want i could do some for you just let me know!!

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