
I need your guys' help please...?

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Okay so I like to write poetry. But I have a problem. I have a friend who can just pull them out off her a** and they sound amazingly awesome. I can only write a poem when a random line pops into my head. So I only write poems like...1-3 times a month. I really want to start writing more but I just can't. When I get a line in my head I start writing and I get half way through and it sounds amazing...but then I get stuck on the last half. So the beginning is all emotional and deep and then the ending is half a**ed because I just want to finish it. It still sounds really good but I would like to be able to sit down and write a poem and be able to finish it and it sound amazingly awesome. Any suggestions? Please feel free to star...I need answers to get this solved. Thanks in advance guys. =]




  1. If you are creating rhyming poems, go and buy a rhyming dictionary. It will help. otherwise, you have to write what you feel. Churning out drivel faster will not help you compete with an inspired or very lucky friend, who can pull verse out of her nether regions. Chances are you are comparing her drivel to your masterpieces anyhow. As a long time moon-dog poet myself I can tell you that asspoems have a very short shelf life.

  2. Not everyone is a poet. And maybe your poems are already finished but not in  your eyes. Be yourself and don't base your work off of another persons

  3. that's your style she has hers whos to say those random thoughts you jot down won't one day be seen as awesome. Here's a tip get a voice recorder even a cheap one and when you have a thought for a line record it on there you can even do it on most cell/mobile phones.  

  4. Not everyone can just pull it out of their a** maybe you just need more practice try reading some poetry books.

    Good luck

  5. ok thx 4 the poijnts

  6. First off, you are too impatient with yourself.  Not everyone can write with the ease of your friend.  That doesn't mean that others, who take a little longer, can't  write equally as well.  When you become impatient your mind races and it blocks the creativity.  When a line comes to mind, continue to do what you do -- write it down.  Keep that line in your mind (be patient).  Eventually an equally good line will come along.

    There is another cure for writers block -- free writing.  Just sit in a quiet room with a pad and write down anything -- and I mean anything, that comes to your mind.  This really works, it frees up the part of your brain that manufactures words.

    Good luck and again -- be patient with yourself.

  7. Do it by parts, most of the gret poems in hystory have been written by aprt and not from one sitting down.

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