
I need your help, its a bit complicated!?

by  |  earlier

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I have been with my bf since two years now, and before that, I was in a relationship for 5 years. The problem is that my 5 years relationship was much more better than this one now. I'm not happy with the one that I have now becasue our communication with each other is very bad, and I'm suspicious that he's cheating on me (although never caught him)...I'm thinking of getting back to my 5 years ex bf. The reason we broke up with him is that I traveled to another country while he wasn't able to travel then, now he's ready to come back to me. What shall I do...I'm really lost...or shall I forget about both of them and start dating from scratch!




  1. Follow your heart

  2. 2 years? 5 years?

    You really need to think about how much you care about these people. Dating someone for a certain amount of years isn't something that should be thrown away unless you really don't care about them. You have to ask yourself if you love one or the other. If it's neither, then just do what you think is right. If starting from scratch is best, then do it. I think you need to break it off with the 2 year bf, lack of communication and suspicion of cheating is not a good sign. Or at least try really talking to him.

  3. in my opinion i think its terrible to stay in a relationship with someone you dont want  to be with. it might seem bad  at the time but if you stay in it you just end up hurting both people . you  would probly be better off not dating him so i say dump him. and plus if hes really cheating he should have his butt on the curb!

  4. I say be with the person that you love more. If you honestly dont think it's working out between you and your present boyfriend then end it before something bad happens. Follow your heart where ever it may lead you. I trust that you will make the right decision. Good Luck :)

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