
I need your help 4 reasoning and persuading?

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ok listen see i'm graduating from conerstone christian school and my mom wants me to go to another private school Call d Marian Catholic High School but I want to go to a public high school called Home Flossmore High school so can u guys help me plz on how to reason and persuade her ? plz help




  1. In order to reason with her and persuade her, you have to show why the school you want to go to is better. Can you do more of the subjects you want at your preference? What difference is there going to be in travelling to and from school? What about school fees? You will have to show her that you have done your research and found that your preference is better because of a list of things you have found out. She won't be convinced because of pleading or nagging. You have to do the work to show that you will actually be better of by going where you want to go.  

  2. First, think of the reason(s) why you want to go to a public school. Your reasons should be valid and make sense.

    Get your mom's side of the story as well.

    Do research on both schools and use that as backup if your reasons don't work.

  3. mom, i appreciate the fact that you love me enough to want to protect me but, i am in high school now. i need to see the world from a different perspective. i have graduated and done all that you have asked of me until now and feel that i deserve a chance to experience life with normal kids in a public school environment. at least give me a chance and if you see my grades suffering, i will give in to your demands.

  4. Well you could just try the classic I want to be like every other kid my age! Or just let her know that you REALLY don't want to go to another private school! Whatever way you choose hope it works out for you!

  5. make a list of advantages u'll get if u go to the public high school, i did this w/my dad for Vo-Tech nd he eventually caved after i showed him wat the advantages of going were.

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