
I need your help! Please!! ?

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Went to the doctor today. 37w4d. 1cm dilated. 75% effaced. The head is really really really low. What does effaced mean again? Im having a blonde moment. Sorry. She said she was going to stip my membranes next week. Does that hurt? She also says that she thinks I will pop before 39 weeks. What are the odds of that actually happening? She told me to try things to get going- labor that is. What are some things I can try that are safe? Thanks in advance...




  1. To get things going, try walking a lot.  A few laps around the mall or park perhaps?  Also yoga and all-over stretching will help and will relax you as well.  This is a good time to review some of the birthing positions and breathing.  

  2. Effaced means how thinned out your cervix is. I am not sure about stripping membranes though, I have never heard of it. Sounds like you will probally be having your baby in the next 2 weeks though. I do have tips for getting labor started though, lots of walking, and s*x. Only have s*x though if your doc said its okay. But the s***n helps soften your cervix. good luck with everything. You will love being a mom.

  3. I think she said she was going to rupture your membranes!! No it doesnt hurt. Thats where she sticks this thing thats sharp enough to break the bag of water if the baby doesnt want to come! Because you can be dilated and having contractions and the baby still not be ready! I forgot what effaced means! I have 2 kids my youngest is 6 months and I went the whole 40 weeks with both of my kids which is actually 10 months!! But some things you could try is doing more walking. Walking helps alot!! But if you havent been walking alot before then you probably shouldnt start now!! But thats the only things i can think of right now! And make sure you ask for an epidural!! That is the BEST kind of medicine they could have invented for contractions!! It works instantly!!And congratulations!! Babies are a blessing!!

  4. Effaced means that you cervix is 75% thinned out. And i think that when they strip your membranes, it feels like a huge cramp. You will spot for a little while, but it will go away. I had mine stripped and was in labor later that day, so good luck! s*x always gets things going. The male sperm acts as an inducer and if you were to have an o****m, that would help to , cause it causes your uterus to contract, but i will fare warn you, your stomach will get really hard after o****m!

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