
I need your help! What has Barack Obama accomplished?

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I challenged my boss's opinion that Barack Obama has not authored any pieces of legislation in Congress and he wrote me this email.

"Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to research his work in the U.S. Senate: legislation he sponsored, legislation he co-sponsored, if it has actually become law, and his role in the process (besides just signing his name as a co-sponsor or some vague “worked with Republicans to pass” malarkey).

Good luck (because I couldn’t find much)."

I would like to hand him a large stack of information on Monday. Please, send me any leads you have.




  1. More than Sarah Palin!

  2. Barack hasn't spent that much time in the US senate although he has accomplished alot of things in his life.

    Obama went to Columbia and majored in Political Science with a specialization in international relations. Obama then went to Harvard Law school, the best in the country. That fact alone puts him in some pretty rare company. While at Harvard he was the editor of the Harvard law review, this is quite an accomplishment as well. He graduated Magna *** Laude which means not only did he go to harvard, he graduated ahead of most people in his class. He is amoung the best and brightest people in the entire country. He was also a professor of Constitional law at the Univ of Chicago for 12 years. So not only did he graduate from harvard, but he was an expert to the degree where he could teach the subject at one of the countries most prestegious schools.

    He served on the IL state senate from 1997–2004 and was a US senator from 2004 till the present.  

  3. For much of his term, he has been campaigning for the Presidency so not much has been accomplished.

    This has been a question to many Obama supporters and they cannot answer.  Did you see the reporter interviewing Newt Gingrich and Newt told him everything Palin has done while in office.  When he throws it back to the reporter and asks what has Obama done, the reporter says the interview is over because he doesn't want to have to argue a case.  Newt gave him a look like "that's what I thought, you don't know of anything Obama has actually done".  Funny!

  4. aims to put together a simple and complete description of Barack Obama's career.

  5. The Silence is Deafening

    In the list above my answer, I fail to see any meaningful legislation.

    The tax credit for full time workers is robbing peter to pay paul.  If you have more full time employees your costs escalate eliminating the benefit of the tax credit.  

    Where are the results for these legislative achievements?

    Where is the website for congressional accountability?

    How many companies have taken advantage of the tax benefit?

    Oh, and earned income tax credit?  That's like additional welfare!

  6. He helped start the socialist group Public Allies.

    Read the link!!

  7. Careful not to b too tough on your boss!  There is a lot about Obama that is a little... well... not too pretty.

  8. sorry. I have NO clue.

    McCain/Palin 2008

  9. Check out his website..

    It has quite a bit useful info you can check out. Hope this helps!

  10. Well, he was elected as a Senator from Illinois.  In Washington, he has remained a junior senator and has not been on any important boards or come up with any important legislation.

    In short, ABSOLUTLEY NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Years in State and US Senate

    Senate Committees for Foreign Relations, Environment and Public Works and Veterans' Affairs. Chairman of the Senate's subcommittee on European Affairs. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, and more.

    Sponsored over 800 bills to reform healthcare, ethics in washington, veterans benefits and more. Passed a bill that expanded healthcare to over 100,000 people in Illinois.. Passed a bill that set up community health centers to serve underserved populations. Passed a bill that provided the earned income tax credit to thousands of Illinois families. Passed a bill reforming the death penalty that had sent innocent people to death row. Passed a major ethics reform bill that banned excessive gifts from lobbysts. Co-sponsored a bill to mandate regular inspections of Veterans hospitals like Walter Reid.

    he has worked with Republicans to pass legislation that expanded efforts to intercept illegal shipments of weapons of mass destruction and to help destroy conventional weapons stockpiles. The legislation became law last year. To demean that accomplishment would be to also demean the work of Republican Sen. Richard Lugar of Indiana, a respected foreign policy voice in the Senate. In Illinois, he was the leader on two big, contentious measures in Illinois: studying racial profiling by police and requiring recordings of interrogations in potential death penalty cases. He also successfully co-sponsored major ethics reform legislation.

    Name something Significant Sarah has done that eaffects this country? Because i can't find anything

  12. He wrote two books and named a post office after himself.

    Oh, and put his name on lots of bills that other people authored.


  14. Sounds like your boss is a Bush man and lazy to boot.  I'd tell him to do his own research.

    Experience is very important.  Take Bush for instance.  Real experienced fellow there.

  15. Your boss is absolutely right. Obama has accomplished very little in his political career. He is thoroughly unqualified for the presidency. I'm from Illinois and I don't even remember him. Sorry.  

  16. Good luck with this one.........

  17. Some of Obama's Accomplishments:

    - Obama passed legislation with Republican Senator Jim Talent to give gas stations a tax credit for installing E85 ethanol refueling pumps. The tax credit covers 30 percent of the costs of switching one or more traditional petroleum pumps to E85, which is an 85 percent ethanol/15 percent gasoline blend.

    -His first law was passed with Republican Tom Coburn, a measure to rebuild trust in government by allowing every American to go online and see how and where every dime of their tax dollars is spent.

    - Obama created the Illinois Earned Income Tax Credit for low-income working families in 2000 and successfully sponsored a measure to make the credit permanent in 2003. The law offered about $105 million in tax relief over three years.

    - Obama joined forces with former U.S. Sen. Paul Simon (D-IL) to pass the toughest campaign finance law in Illinois history. The legislation banned the personal use of campaign money by Illinois legislators and banned gifts from lobbyists. Before the law was passed, one organization

    -In the U.S. Senate, Obama introduced the STOP FRAUD Act to increase penalties for mortgage fraud and provide more protections for low-income homebuyers, well before the current subprime crisis began.

    - Obama sponsored legislation to combat predatory payday loans, and he also was credited with lobbied the state to more closely regulate some of the most egregious predatory lending practices.

    - Barack Obama introduced the Patriot Employer Act of 2007 to provide a tax credit to companies that maintain or increase the number of full-time workers in America relative to those outside the US; maintain their corporate headquarters in America; pay decent wages; prepare workers for retirement; provide health insurance; and support employees who serve in the military.

    - Obama worked to pass a number of laws in Illinois and Washington to improve the health of women. His accomplishments include creating a task force on cervical cancer, providing greater access to breast and cervical cancer screenings, and helping improve prenatal and premature birth services.

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