
I need your help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by  |  earlier

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Recently I spilled some ice cream on my carpet, i didnt know though until i started to smell it. how do you sugest I get the smell out, I tried alot of things but it wont work. Thanks




  1. rub area with the mr clean magic earser its like 3.00 in supermarket

  2. sprinkle some salt on, leave it for about 30 min and then wash it out with scented soap

  3. you could try using something like oxy to clean it and then spray it with febreeze to take out the smell

  4. Have you tried Woolite carpet cleaner?  I've found it can take out the smell as well as the stain.  If there is no stain and it doesn't work, try Lysol or baking soda.

  5. ryt this myt sound mad but believe me hun it works shaving cream spray it on the ice cream spill let it soak in the put a towel on it and stamp on the towl itll make the smell go away x  

  6. cut it out and replace the patch, or bleach it

  7. i think you should ask this in a cleaning forum.

    Steam cleaning? Pet deodorizer?

  8. use dish soap and scrub that beast out!

  9. Definitely clean wash the area with some Oxyclean. Then sprinkle baking soda on it and let that sit for a day or so.

  10. scrub with soap and water. use elbow grease! lol

    please help anyone:

  11.   Scrub the area with vinegar mixed with salt, and then use a carpet deodorizer. Leave the deodorizer on for half an hour, and then vacum the area.

  12. use a air freshener

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