
I need your help!!! with my kitten?

by  |  earlier

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My kitten just loves to lay behind my husband and my computers because its so warm back there. But I am worried she might start chewing in the cords or make our computers over heat because of blocking the fans. My husband suggested putting ground black pepper down on the floor because it will make her "sneeze" and she wont like that. Is that true? Will it hurt her?




  1. It wont hurt her, unless she get it in her eyes, but that would hurt anybody lol. I wouldn't worry to much about the chewing, i know a cat that loves to lay behind a computer to and if she hasn't started chewing by now she probably never will> also unless shes there the entire day (24/7) blocking the fan shouldn'tt be a problem. I would just let her lay there if she likes it. If you have a real problem with it then just put something back there for a while so there's no room for her (she might get upset about that though and just push it over) LOL. Cats are funny that way. Good Luck.

  2. Well have husband pick her up and put her on his lap. LOL That's where my cats lay when I'm on computer. So sometimes hard to type but that's ok too :)

  3. try to help her find another warm spot so she will not chew on anything and get shocked!

  4. the pepper won't hurt her, as long as she doesnt sniff 2 much of it.

    if u want 2 know another way to keep her from getting back there, you can make a nice, comfy spot near a mini heater thing. she'll like that.

    I have 3 cats, and they like 2 lay in soft blankets and pillows.

  5. About the only good way to deter a cat from doing anything is a spray bottle full of water.  That, or canned air also works.  To keep a cat from chewing on cords they sell bitter sprays.

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