
I need your journal/scrapbook ideas!!!!!

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I'm making a "life book"! It's a lot of fun, but I need some more ideas! I've done scrapbook pages, bible verses, and used lots of pictures. I also want to use quotes, lyrics, useless trivia, and lists of like what I'm grateful for and what I want to do before I die. Now that I think about it, I have lots to do, but I still want your ideas!!!! Please help me!




  1. I would start searching the Internet for scrapbook sites, blogs and how to sites. There is a cool site that sells fonts that you can directly download to your computer. You can use the fonts to journal, use as a title.....etc

    I have used the fonts for calender pages, scrapbook journaling, I used them to label my 10 year old son's book covers for school.

    Love this site

    This one looks good too

  2. You can also do:

    Places you'd like to visit

    Things you'd like to do Goals you have, etc

    Favorite places you go to now

    Favorite foods

    Best friends

    You can do pages of your best friends and then under the pictures say why they're your best friends.  What they mean to you, why you became friends.  Like, they make you laugh, good listener, is always there for you, etc.

    You can do sports you play and would like to play

    Vacations you would like to take with your family

    People you would like to meet

    Favorite songs

    What makes you feel good, what makes you smile, what makes you happy.

    You can also put in things that are important to you, pictures, ticket stubs, etc.

    You also don't need pictures for every page, the writing is more important and you can always decorate the pages with stickers and things if you have no pictures to go along with what you're writing.

    Most importantly, remember, there is NO wrong way to scrapbook, as long as YOU are happy, then you're doing it right!  Everyone's books are different and everyone does their books differently so as long as you are happy with the way your's is coming along, you are doing it right!

    I hope you have fun doing your book!  

  3. Sounds like you have a good start on it  - so here is a link that you can go to for the year that you were born and check out what was going on - might be fun to add some of this stuff in there.

    Where the year is just substitute the year that you were born.  

    Have fun !!

  4. see what was no. 1 when you were born:

    or on every birthday, for that matter!

    think about it as though the book belonged to someone else - your parents or grandparents maybe - what random stuff would you have wanted to know about them? where did they go, what were their favorite places/film quotes/book quotes, what were their friends like? that way, when maybe your kids read it in the future, they'll find out all those little quirks and things you forgot to tell them.  

  5. Here is just a few that I use:

    This one has a ton of quotes from a variety athletes, philosophers, politicians etc...

    An option for a variety of free poems.

    This one is a combination of poems and quotes.  This also give you some ideas for headers for your pages.  I use this one the most.

    This is one has focuses on values such as empathy, hope appreciation everything you would use for your life!

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