
I need your opinion on a very simple question....?

by Guest55589  |  earlier

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I'm in school and for a HW assignment, my teacher wants me to keep a journal of interviews about a very simple question. Please answer in your own words and opinions. The question is WHAT IS A TEACHER? In your response, tell me if your a male or female, age and profession. Make it as long as you like. Thanks for the help.




  1. Kaula Douglas


    Student/ 11th grade

    My ideal of a teacher is anyone who improves the life of someone by teaching them a new technique or trait that improves their daily life or that can help them in the future.

  2. Hi..


    AGE: 54

    Mother/grandmother/Business Owner

    WHAT IS A TEACHER: A teacher is a PERSON who teaches, instructs gives insight and communicates skill or knowledge.

    A teacher helps to play an active role in learning; to open learners mind. They guild and coach the learner through a process of learning and understanding. Not only do they communicate knowledge but translate knowledge into the learning purpose.

  3. A teacher can be anyone, that has the ability to impart to people their experience and expertise on any given subject.  Teachers are usually extremely aware of each individuals abilities and then teachers, talks or imparts to them on their own level.

    Most teachers are saints as far as I am concerned, for they do a job that at times those they are teaching find painful.  But with their tenderness, keen insight to human nature, and their wisdom they continue their course with just the smile and gratitude of a few at times.

    I am female,

    I am 50+,

    I am in Marketing, but hold 3 degrees and none in teaching, but have had some wonderful teachers  1-20 years of schooling.

  4. This seems like a mighty easy way to get your homework done....almost like its not fair, but you were clever to think of it, so here goes:

    A teacher is someone who loves to be with students.  She loves to guide and prompt her students, to teach them to learn and to think, rather than teaching them facts.  A teacher is someone who feels successful when her students are excited and curious.  She keeps learning and growing and trying new things because a good teacher understands that we're all students and we're all teachers.  A teacher is someone who shares knowledge, curiosity, a willingness to take risks and a sense of humor.  A teacher is someone who can eat lunch in 5 minutes and pee once a day.  A teacher is someone who loves snow!

  5. A teacher is someone whose occupation involves conducting a class with students in it where the aim is for the students to learn something.  In most situations that something is something that the teacher knows a lot about, but it might just be that the teacher knows a lot about learning and can help the students learn for themselves.

    In some cases it may not be their full-time occupation, and may even be voluntarily - but it is formal, official, and occupation-like.

    If that wishy-washy explanation of 'anyone you learn something from' was true, then we wouldn't need the word 'teacher' in the first place (we have words like 'mentor', 'guide' etc, to describe those types of things).

    (Male, 31 years old, English Language Teacher / Teacher Trainer)

  6. A teacher is the definition of guidance - personally and professionally. A teacher is someone who is there during the lives of children when they are most impressionable and have the ability to mold them for greatness.

    I am a 27 year-old male science teacher.

  7. A teacher is anyone you learn from.  female, 48, insurance agent

  8. A good teacher is one that imparts to you what they know in a language you can understand at a rate you can absorb the most and convince you that you want more.

  9. Hi,


    -19 years old

    -College student

    What is a teacher?  Well to me a teacher is someone who teaches, teaches others valuable information.  A teacher instructs, encourages, and supports his/her students.  It takes someone special--and there are a FEW teachers that actually impact a student positively, which is sad...

    Hope this helps!  Good luck!

  10. A teacher means different things to different people..

    By many public education definitions of teacher is a person who can assist the person being taught to learn a particular subject up to the limits of the teacher. In this model teacher's union sense is someone who chooses as a vocation to indoctrinate youth in the Horace Mann/Karl Marx model of teaching to the lowest common denominator.

    A real teacher is someone who sparks an interest to learn more then the teacher.. Someone who promotes learning for learning sake. Someone who encourages excellence, and expects it. This someone who teaches to the greatest denominator. They have an inherent believe in the value of each person's potential. And rather then demanding rote knowledge be regurgitated they demand the opposite. They want thought.

    I have two teens who have had both types of teachers. I work in a support services entity for school districts in our area. I am male age 50.  Bachelor's in Psych and Hiistory, past

    mployment as LMHP Counselor and now Information Services.

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