
I need your opinion on this:?

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my name is Esin

now i'm not really a big fan of my name cause i don't really like it

i was thinking about changing my first name to Taylor or Samantha

Which one do you think is nice :Samantha or Taylor

and what do you think about my name




  1. your names unique i like it

    but i like samantha beterer

    but it also depends on wut u look like

  2. Esin is so beautiful

  3. you have a cool name if your going to pick a new one.. you have to pick something better than what you already have. samantha sounds like a little girl and taylor sounds like a g*y dude. so my personally i think you should pick golden intensity or dragon.or maybe nighthawk...

  4. Your name is sooo original.

    There a a million Samantha and Taylor in the world!!!

    but there is probably only a handful with the name Esin.  

  5. oh my gosh if my name was esin i would be so happy its way better than something boring like samantha or taylor! seriously its cool without being weird embrace it!! at least your names not apple!

    please answer mine:;...

  6. i like samantha better.

    but i think that your name is unique and a good way. i think its cute :)

  7. your name is unique i honestly think you should just keep your name. How many samantha's and taylor's do you see many more than Esin's.

  8. i have avery unusaly first name as you do and people even a few of my own family member still cant sya it write, and i went through so man years of hating it and hating it sooo bad but then one day i realized it fit me,i was part of my name and now i dont even let people use nicknames i prefer to be called by my complete name i would wait,you know your folks gave u that name for reason,why dont u ask them?.btw i think your name is very unique,and u should keep it u might grow to love it.

  9. to be honest i think 98% of people look like their name fits them as in like=hey look that girl looks like a emma etc

  10. So many people have answered this already ... and there's a good chance you won't even get to read my response ... but I thought I would say my bit nonetheless ...

    I've changed my name, so you can take this advice from someone experienced. I was born Michael Charles Nitschke, but then changed to Michael Charlie Hunter. I think the latter sounds much better - and others would disagree. My reason for taking such action was because I wanted to be called Hunter, not Nitschke. If you want to change your name, that's great! But change it based on your own opinions. What do you think sounds better?? Don't ask me, because it's not my name - I'm not going to live with it for the rest of my life! YOU need to be satisfied with the decision you make ... so take some time to serioulsy think about it, then do whatever your heart tells you!

  11. I think your name is GORGEOUS. I have such a plain and simple everyday name. I'm jealous of the uniqueness of your name. Don't change is please, be proud of who you are.

  12. i like your name. i think you should keep it because its so unique

  13. Neither.

    Pick something original. I know 908599234 people with those names.

    Do something new :)

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