
I need your opinion.?

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I want to buy some books.... didn't actually know what...

just anything interesting that range from stories to reference books...i actually don;t have anything i like most so i would like you to give me some recommendations..( title of the book)

Thank you....




  1. Could you tell us a little more about your personal tastes? What was the last book you read that you really loved.

    -- If you're looking to make the transition into fiction, you might want to start with some good short stories. I'd suggest Grahm Greene.  If you're going full on novel, look into something not so melodramatic. Something like "Heart of Darkness", or "The Unbareable Lightness of Being" both classics.  When you're building up a personal library, the classics are always a good place to start, collect authors like Oscar Wilde, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, Leo Tolstoy, and the like.

  2. -Bourne Identity (Supremacy, Ultimatum)

    -Seven Days in May - The military tries to take over the govt.

    -Fail Safe - trying to avoid a nuclear war with Russia

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