
I need your opinions! should i stop contact with him?

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a friend of mine thought i should meet a guy she knows from work,because she thought he was nice or wha recently he and i started keeping in touch by email and things seem to be going well.the thing is my friend says she has started seeing things about him that she doesnt like.she says hes a geeky guy but he brags about girls and acts a certain way around his male co workers.i only wanted friendship with this guy but after hearing about his behavior its a turn off.should i just end all contact with him ? thoughts appreciated!




  1. U BETTER end it now before he starts to really like u then he wont let u stop

  2. your opinions are based on a few email and what your friend says... not alot to go on... just emailing does not hurt and you have not said what the emails were like did you like them and things he said... it may be a bit early to just drop him as a potential friend...

  3. Its obvious this guy need to impress others in order to gain thier respect--so in other words that means he is insecure about himself and is trying to mask it.  People like this need to grow up and and are not worth your time.  

  4. How does he act arounf you? People do things around other people. You said he was geeky, so he is probably just showing off in front of them. Guys do that. So, you have to decide if you ae going to end this b/c of hear say or based on how he is around you. Best wishes..

  5. Well, if you have never met him in person, then.. Check out the e-mails and see what you think of him. And if he doesnt seem that bad, meet him in person. Okay, and take a look out yourself. Cause your friend could be just saying that because she might like him.. lol... YOU NEVER KNOW ! ;)  Now, If u HAVE met him, think about what his first impression was, cause those are the BIGGEST THINGS, (first impressions) :) So, there you go! :)

    Good luk and God bless!

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