
I need your opinions! what should i do about this guy??

by  |  earlier

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a friend of mine thought i should meet a guy she knows from work because she thought he was nice or what ever.recently he and i started keeping in touch by email and things were going well.the thing is now my friend has told me she has started seeing another side to him.she says he brags about girls or just puts on an act for male co workers and she feels hes lying or something because she said hes kinda geeky! i was only seeking friendship with this guy but after hearing about his behavior im realy turned should i just end contact with him now? thoughts appreciated!




  1. I wouldnt stop talking to him but make it clear you aren't interested and that you want to be mates

  2. Just be careful. But I wouldn't stop talking to him all together.  Just see how it goes- as long as you are just friends it will be easy to get out of if things don't work out.

  3. yeah that is pretty much a given. why would u want to think about being with a guy that just goes around bragging. to him you're probably just another piece of you know what and you dont need to put yourself into that kind of situation because your only asking to get yourself hurt. settle for something you deserve and nothing less.

  4. You should find out about this "Other Side" and make sure that he's really like that, your friend might have misunderstood what he was saying. ...I have a cousin who is CONSTANTLY bragging about girls that he knows, or girls that txt him, and everyone knows it's all a big lie, but He doesn't.  ...Maybe this guy has just made up a lady's man personality for himself and actually believes that he really is. which case, I'd probably not talk to him anymore, just in case he's one of those multiple personality type guys.

  5. Your friend probably likes him hmmmm..and why would you listen to what someone else opinion before finding out for might miss out on whats there for you  

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