
I needs lots and lots of tips for 360 COD 4 online....Keep em coming...I wanna perfect my skills....Help!!!!?

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I needs lots and lots of tips for 360 COD 4 online....Keep em coming...I wanna perfect my skills....Help!!!!?




  1. yea!! look at all these tips.

    for sniping use the first rifle, the M40 something. as for the perks, ALWAYS HAVE STOPPING POWER, baisically a one shot kill with the sniper rifles and a one burst kill with the m16.

    if your are playing ground war or domination, have the c4 perk in perk one. place the c4 near any cars or hide it near the A B or C markers, and then get out of the area, and kill or capture other flags, but DONT GET KILLED. if the enemy is capturing any of your flag, your "leader" will yell out "we're losing A" or "we're losing bravo" and if you placed you c4's in any of those flags ( A B or C) that were being captured, you double tap the X button (Xbox 360) and your c4 explodes and hopefully killin the poeple. but if you do get killed before you can detonate the c4's, they disappear and then you would have to plant them again.

    3rd perk, either last stand or martydom. and to get better, watch what the higher level players do, and if you die, watch the kill cam and see how you died to learn from that mistake.

    hope this helped, my gamertage for Xbox 360 is


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