
I neeed 3 reasons why it would be better to be blind than to see. URGENT PLEASE HELP!?

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IF you had to say 3 reasons why it would be better to be blind than to have sight what would you say?





  1. We were born to see silly! and enjoy our sight. There is no reason why it would be better to be blind... uh uh...i can't think of one.

  2. You wouldn't discriminate based on race or color

    You'd have to take it slower, especially in transit, and therefore, wouldn't run out between parked cars or into heavy traffic without aid.

    You'd watch less of that time wasting TV

  3. I agree with Rania..

    The 3rd answer could be, to hide the ugliness of the world.

  4. Hmmm...

    1.  you judge a person by what's on the inside since you're unable to judge the outside

    2.  you aren't able to be afraid of the unseen, in all seriousness (i.e. the dark, shadows, etc.)

    3.  you learn to enjoy life in an entirely different manner

  5. 1. you don't have to look at that ugly face in the mirror every morning, so I'd say your self-esteem goes up.

    2. you have an excuse for making mistakes at home...all around.

    3. you get the royal treatment at all the restaurants, on the bus, in the elevator, in the bathroom, everywhere!

  6. I'll try to take a stab a this question.

    1. When you lose one of your five senses, your other senses become heightened. For example, if you become blind, your sense of smell and taste become much stronger.

    2. Being blind prevents prejudice. A blind person cannot form stereotypes based on a persons skin color, clothes, etc.

    3. ........?

    Would you mind sharing why you need this question answered? It's a bit odd.Thanks.

  7. If you had a friend while you were blind to walk with you at night

    If you are feeling sad if you were blind;look to your happy thoughts and imaginations

    You will be exceptional if you can learn  things and understand things because you are blind.  You are really no different then others  it all depends on how you 'look' at life.

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