
I neeed HELP\\\\?

by  |  earlier

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i need to move ASAP were i was living was a DUMP myself feince and son are living with someone

i found the perfect apartment all i need is $1200 any ideas?




  1. take out a loan 1200$ dollars isn't that hard to pay back. Or each of you get jobs that pay weekly if you all work the right amount of hours you should have near to enough or enough money.

  2. Move in with relatives until you have the money.  Or get a job where you get room and board included like on a pleasure cruise ship.

  3. find a job and do some surveys and gpt sites online. Check my profile page.

  4. Um. Start saving as much as you can out of each paycheck until you have a total of $1200?

    If you're living with someone now, then your expenses can't be that great, right? So it shouldn't take you *that* long to save up what you need, especially if you and your fiance (I assume that's what you meant) are both working.

  5. part time job, fast food pays like 400 a week.

    loan some money from a friend

    get a loan from a bank

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