
I never bled when i lost my virginity, never have bled durin s*x.. how come everyone else has?

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I never bled when i lost my virginity, never have bled durin s*x.. how come everyone else has?




  1. I am exactly the same. It didn't hurt losing mine but I never used tampons or anything so I think my hymen may have just stretched naturally. Aren't we lucky ;D

  2. I didn't bleed either! Don't worry, completely normal. You probably didn't have as big as hymen as others. Or you could have broken it when you were younger doing sports. Also you could have worn it down with tampons. There are a lot of different reasons. It's fine.

  3. you could have already broken ur hymen...if you play sports or if u have used tampons sometimes your hymen can already be gone from is definitely not unusual...

  4. There's a thin layer of skin across the v****a called a hymen that tears when many girls lose their virginity which is why they have bled during s*x. However, the hymen can be easily broken by many sports such as horse riding or by using a tampon. Yours was probably already broken when you first had s*x which is why you never bled.

  5. Not everyone else has....the bleeding comes from stretching/breaking your hymen.  Many women break their hymen during other routine activities such as strenuous exercise or tampon use, and therefore don't bleed the first time they have s*x  

  6. Not everone has.....i didnt bleed my first time. But the second time i had s*x, the morning after when i went to the loo there was a tiny amount of bloody discharge and that was it. Never bled since either.

  7. You might have already broke your hymen with a tampon or if you do hoursriding or cycling. Or you might not be born with one

  8. Your hymen is a thin layer of skin covering the v****a.  This is broken during your first time having s*x (sometimes) and this is what causes you to bleed.  You may not have been born with a hymen, or you could have broken it in childhood doing cartwheels or horseback riding.  Any vigorous activity can break it.  And so do tampons.

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