
I never did understand, what are the octopuses for in hockey like at detroit 2night before the game??

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I never did understand, what are the octopuses for in hockey like at detroit 2night before the game??




  1. Hi,

    many moons ago a guy threw one on the ice, and they won.  became tradition.  go to the Wings site, it's in the history or somewhere near the history.

    8 arms, one for each win.

  2. the eight legs of the octapus symbolized the amount of wins needed to win a stanley cup.  Obviously there are more wins needed now,  just goes to show how old the tradition is.

  3. Yeah, what they all said.

  4. Back in the 1950's it only took 8 wins to win the Stanley Cup. 8 legs for 8 Wins, it is used as a symbol of victory

  5. Starting in 1953 I believe, you had to win two 7 game series to win the cup. That equals a total of eight games. A butcher from Detroit cut a leg off for every victory, and threw it on the ice. Now, you have to win four 7 game series, and they use two octopi. In 91, the overhead spinning of the octopus started, and this year it can only be spun on the concourse, thanks to Bettman, the worlds worst commish. They say it is so the octopus pieces that fly off of the creature don't  get in players eyes, or freeze to the ice creating hazards. I just say Bettman is a douche bag.

  6. Don't you think you might get a better explanation and answer by looking it up yourself.

    Or do people have to do the work for you.

    That's what search engines are for. Try one sometime.

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