My brother and I have never gotten along, since childhood. He is the black sheep of my family. He has a minor mental problem, is asocial and is aloof. I always dream of having a brother who I can be proud of.
He has only minimum academic qualifications and is working for a low pay. As if these were not enough, he commands everyone at home and even gets violent if he does not get his way. Me being his younger sister, I feel upset when I have to give in to his demands after much fighting. I'm of marriageable age, but I still can't seem to get rid of all the trauma I have gathered in my mind because of him. For me, he is the root of all my problems in life. My mind has started blaming him subconsciously for all my issues. When friends inquire about him, I get a pang of guilt. I avoid talking about him at all costs. I feel ashamed of myself and my family because of him. He never talks even to my cousins. All this makes me feel inferior. I keep cursing myself, him and fate for all that happens to me. I go mad and get into bouts of depression. Pls help.