
I never get my period my body is irregualar. is there anything i can do to concieve a child.

by Guest21184  |  earlier

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i have only got my period 4 times my whole life when i was younger. i need help pleasee!!




  1. There are lots of options, but you need to go see a doctor.  It may be that your are not ovulating or that you have PCOS.  Good luck

  2. You might try a nutritionist as well as your doctor. You may have a nutritional deficiency.

  3. there is hope the same thing happened to my sister in-law, she went to the OBGYN and they gave her some pills that helped her get her period/ovulate. and with in one month she was pregnant. so try your OBGYN. GOOD LUCKand lots of baby dust to you!!!

  4. I don't mean to scare u but not having periods are dangerous. See if the dr can put u on birth control 1'st to get your periods going then maybe try getting some clomid to help u ovulate.  

  5. I have PCOS and used Clomid to conceive my girls.  I saw a reproductive endocrinologist.

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