
I never have periods...?

by  |  earlier

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I am 23 years old. I started my period when I was 12 and since then I have only had about 10 periods on my own. They completely stopped when I was about 19 years old. I have been on birth control to regulate them but then my birth control pills stopped making me have them regularly. Everytime I go to the gynocologist they always tell me the same thing "you don't need to worry about it until you are ready to have kids." Well, I don't want to wait til then either to find out that I can't have kids. I have also been having unprotected s*x with my boyfriend/fiance of 4 years and have not gotten pregnant (I know that is bad but I just know that I do not ovulate... although I know things can happen.) What should I do and does anyone else ever have this problem?




  1. It is very possible that you went thourgh an early menopause.  

  2. Everything has reason. Try to discover what is the reason of your amenorrhea. Read everything about amenorrhea and causes of irregular periods and I hope you could understand what is wrong with you. After that ask dosctor for proper correct treatment. Read below.

  3. well at least u have had a period!!!!

    i havent had mine yet

    im still waiting

    im scared but nervous

    email me plz

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