Before the miscarriage, I was content being single, no kids, casually dating, and working hard to achieve nice things like new cars. It didn't really faze me when other people my age got pregnant, if anything I thought I wanted to wait until my mid 30s to have kids(just so I could party and see the world for as long as I could). Then all that changed when I got pregnant and I wanted to take responsibility for my actions and have the kid, then soon after miscarried. Even though there is no kid in the picture now, I find myself hoping to move up the ideal childbearing age from my mid 30s to late 20s(not very much older than I am right now). I find myself resenting the miscarriage and the people who'd told me to get an abortion during the short time I was pregnant. I find myself getting wistful when other girls my age get pregnant and get congratulated. Is this normal? Before the miscarriage, I was never this depressed about this topic, I never even thought about having kids at that time