
I night I had a very weird dream....I dreamed that I was g*y !!! hmmm...kinda odd!!?

by  |  earlier

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..does any 1 here know what the dream I had means? does this mean I will be g*y in my near future? dont get me wrong, I'm striaght, I am engage to a very hot girl. I try to tell her about my dream and she laught and said I'm silly. help!!

**please only helpful answers please because I'm very superstitious about bad dreams. actually 70% of all my dreams comes for example I dreamt about finding a dollar on the sidewalk, I eventually do find money the next day!!!




  1. Don't freak out. these dreams happen to all kinds of people. It doesn't mean you are g*y, it doesn't even mean you might be bi.

    In fact, if being g*y makes you feel awkward, you probably aren't.

    g*y dreams can be a symbol of wanting ot connect nonsexually but intimately with a male role model, a father, a brother, a distant friend, or maybe a desire to explore your sexuality more( not necessarily with men, but maybe try new things with your hot fiance.)

    people do not "turn g*y". If you want to sleep with your girl now, you will wantt to sleep with her later. People are pretty much born g*y or straight or bi. If you like being with a girl, you are probably straight.

  2. I guess you have a 70% chance of being g*y then. Or

    30% Chance of being straight

  3. When you think about something alot, you start dreaming about it.

    But dreams are only a mind's vision.

    Although this doesn't 100% mean you are going to be g*y in the future.

    It only depends on your disitions, and your's only.

    Something to make you feel better: I had a dream when I was little that my mom turned into a RITZ cracker and ended up growing on the soil, and I had to water her everyday. But did my mom really turn into a RITZ cracker plant?

    Hope this helps...

    ~~supєя l♥vєbσmbbєє~~

  4. maybe you are thinking about something you are hiding, not necessarily that you are g*y, but feeling towards a close friend possibly?

  5. Its just a dream !!! You may have seen something on tv and you subcontient just react to it .

    If you know you are not then you dont have to worry about it .

    Everybody dream of that at one point in their life its normal .

    I dream I was with other women and im not a lesbienne its just normal . You dont controle your dream ....

    Its not a dream that will tell you if you are g*y or not but you have too answer the question .

    Do you want to be with a men . If the answer is yes try it first then youll see if you are g*y or not .

    If the answer is no then just laugh and give a big kiss to your fiance

  6. you are not going to be g*y. ifyou are not g*y now you wont be later. it isnt something you just decide. or randomly feel. its not like. oh i feel g*y today. so i got to brake up with my girl.....dont be silly. your not g*y if you arnt g*y now.

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